#Bootcamp Project1

Author @Paraskevakos Grigoris

#Setup for OS Windows #All files are inside BankAccount_PasaskevakosG_BootCamp3

#Requirements :

Java JRE (Currect jre1.8.0_131)

Windows OS


#Definition You are required to build a Windows console application where you will be asked to read various inputs from the keyboard. These inputs will be used as login details and actions in order to control the internal banking system of a cooperative company. Each input will be used for directing the various subsystems of this private banking system. The output of the various subsystems will be displayed to the screen or it will be written to simple text files. #User Requirements You are requested to produce a Java console application that has the following:

  1. Six (6) .java files, the main application and one file per Logical Unit of the application as described above on A.
  2. The Login Screen should be displayed first and it should let the user view the application’s main menu after correct input of the username / password combination which are checked against the values stored in the database table users
  3. The application’s main menu should be changed depending the level of the user as described above on B.2.
  4. The application should let the super admin to view all the accounts and deposit or withdraw from the simple users’ bank accounts while keeping all actions to memory and write to statement file via Send Today’s Statement
  5. The application should let the simple users to deposit to the cooperative’s bank account an amount that is available to his bank account while keeping all actions to memory and write to statement file via Send Today’s Statement
  6. Use the class BankAccounts as an intermediate storage for database’s data. Override the toString() of the class BankAccount in order to show the user’s username, transaction date, amount. Format all currency data to be displayed and written to file with Locale(“el-GR”). Format all dates to the form “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS”.


PS. Do not forget to open and RUN MySQL DB (MySQL Notifier)


I F YOU HAVE MySQL & MySQLWorkbench installed do:

#A) --open Folder: "Create_Connection_Steps" and follow steps till STEPS --OPEN WORKBENCH --CONNECT AS ROOT TO MYSQL (STEP 0) --RUN THE SCRIPT(afdemp_new.sql), IT IS INSIDE DB DIRECTORY (STEP 0_1) --CLOSE WORKBENCH --OPEN WORKBENCH --CREATE A DB CONNECTION(STEP1) --SETUP (STEP2) --CLOSE WORKBENCH THEN: ---Just open "BankAccounts.bat" and Run the Application, it is ready and compiled :) Credentials:1) admin admin 2) user1 password1 3) user2 password2

E L S E do:

--open "mysql_How_to_install.html" and follow steps!
--then return to #A)

############################################################################################# HOW THIS PROJECT DEPLOYED

I) Message: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

1- Right click on Libraries > Click on Add Library.
2-Scroll down to find MySQL JDBC driver.
3-Press Shift + F11. (Clean and Build)

############################################################################################# II) in order to run : mysql-connector.jar | Paste to : C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_151\lib\ext

############################################################################################# IRRELEVANT to IDE(NetBeans) III) to compile and Run (Windows): (inside the Project's working directory)

    Compile the program using javac command:
    1- javac -cp lib\mysql-connector-java-5.1.44-bin.jar -d classes src\mainapplication\*.java

    Create executable JAR file using jar command:
    2- jar cfm MainApplication manifest.txt -C classes mainapplication

    to run the APP:
    3- java -jar MainApplication


IV) to make an executable .bat file :
(inside the Project's directory)

    1- Create a .txt file
    2-inside write :

    start java -jar MainApplication

    3- save and close
    4- rename the file from .txt to .bat
    5- Run the file.bat


PS. Do not forget to open and RUN MySQL DB (MySQL Notifier)
