
Application to demonstrate spacex-related stuff (for now is deprecated, maybe later I will return to this project)

Primary LanguageKotlin

SpaceX application.

Kotlin, AndroidX, Retrofit, Gson, Coroutines, Dagger2, Timber, Navigation, Pagination, LiveData, ViewModel, ThreeTenAbp.

The whole UI was inspired by SpaceX Companion.


  1. DI usage: Kodein -> Koin -> Dagger2

Used APIs:

Thanks to:

  1. Phil Olson for twitter oauth 1.0
  2. Fernando Cejas for interesting architecture features, such as Either, UseCase
  3. CodingWithMitch for SearchView and RecyclerView
  4. Spinner items customization
  5. Safe click listener
  6. Gabor Varadi for Using AssistedInject with ViewModels

Dagger graph by Scabbard

SpaceX dagger graph