
Provides an simple interface for working without schemas in Ecto Repos

Primary LanguageElixir


EctoSchemaless is a very simple module designed to make interacting with Ecto.Repos easier.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding ecto_schemaless to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:ecto_schemaless, "~> 0.1.0"}]


Note: insert and update currently only work with tables that have the inserted_at and updated_at columns.

EctoSchemaless.insert!(MyRepo, "my_table", %{name: "Demo"})
[%{id: 1, inserted_at: {{2017, 7, 21}, {14, 49, 34, 124176}}, name: "Demo",
   updated_at: {{2017, 7, 21}, {14, 49, 34, 124176}}}]
EctoSchemaless.select!(MyRepo, "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = 1")
[%{id: 1, inserted_at: {{2017, 7, 21}, {14, 49, 34, 124176}}, name: "Demo",
   updated_at: {{2017, 7, 21}, {14, 49, 34, 124176}}}]
EctoSchemaless.update!(MyRepo, "my_table", 1, %{name: "Changed Demo"})
[%{id: 1, inserted_at: {{2017, 7, 21}, {14, 49, 34, 124176}},
   name: "Changed Demo", updated_at: {{2017, 7, 21}, {14, 56, 14, 903669}}}]
EctoSchemaless.delete!(MyRepo, "DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id = 1")
%Postgrex.Result{columns: nil, command: :delete, connection_id: 57048,
 num_rows: 1, rows: nil}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/ecto_schemaless.