
My VIM Configuration and Reference.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


My VIM Configuration based on AMIX's Awesome VIMRC


Install Amix's VIMRC Awesome version

git clone https://github.com/amix/vimrc.git ~/.vim_runtime
sh ~/.vim_runtime/install_awesome_vimrc.sh

Replace the ~/.vim_runtime content with all the files in this REPO


If using zsh on OSX (and probably Linux) copy your .zshrc to .zshenv

GVIM on Windows

I had some trouble getting NeoComplete working on GVIM on Windows. You can use the following copy of GVIM if you also have trouble. GVIM 7.4.xx with LUA


It is really useful to map the CAPLOCK key to something else, I prefer to map it to CONTROL (thanks to larsx2). Some other people prefer ESC.


Under System Preferences > Keyboard, You have an option to MAP some of the keys. It's really easy.


I used KeyTweak


I used Gnome Tweak Tool


Ctags is required for autocomplete.

Download Exuberant Tags

Make sure that ctags is in the $PATH variable

Install Ctags on OSX OSX already comes with a version of Ctags but not Exuberant Ctags so we have to make an alias to fix this. Just run the following 2 commands:

brew install ctags
alias ctags="`brew --prefix`/bin/ctags"

To use, navigate to the root of your proyect and exec:

ctags -R --languages=<your language, for example 'c'>


ctags -R --exclude=node_modules --languages=javascript

If you need help, type:

ctags --help

Javascript Tags If using ctags with javascript, I recommend placing the .ctags file I have in the ctags directory in the folder you want to create the tags.


Install the Source Code Pro font

Syntax Highlighting

I use syntastic for syntax hightlighting. Currently I disabled the Checkers for C since I haven't been able to make it work (because I do embedded C). However it works with javascript and html but you need to install the checkers.


Install JSHint and JSXHint

npm install -g jshint jsxhint


Install Tidy


brew update
brew install tidy-html5

I already have the Checkers enabled in the config file. Change them if you want to use another one.

Searching (using Ack)

It's possible to search inside all the files in the project (tags file is required) using Ack. You need to have Ack installed and in the $PATH variable to be able to use it inside VIM.

To Install ACK do the following:

MAC Requires homebrew

brew install ack 


cpan App:Ack


First install Strawberry Perl

Then just type in the windows CMD Terminal the following: Make sure you are in C:\ path when executing the following command.

cpan -f App::Ack


Simply place the cursor in the word you want to search and type:


PERL WARNING If you get the following perl warning in OSX or LINUX perl: warning: Setting locale failed you can fix it by adding the following to you ~./zshrc and ~/.zshenv

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

Useful Commands

guu           : lowercase line
gUU           : uppercase line
~             : invert case (upper->lower; lower->upper) of current character
gf            : open file name under cursor (SUPER)
ga            : display hex, ascii value of character under cursor
g8            : display hex value of utf-8 character under cursor
ggg?G         : rot13 whole file
xp            : swap next two characters around
CTRL-A,CTRL-X : increment, decrement next number on same line as the cursor
CTRL-R=5*5    : insert 25 into text
=             : (re)indent the text on the current line or on the area selected (SUPER)
=%            : (re)indent the current braces { ... }
G=gg          : auto (re)indent entire document
<c-x>         : Autocomplete mode (while in insert)
<c-x><c-l>    : Autocomplete a full line (while in insert mode)

Markers and moving about

'.       : jump to last modification line (SUPER)
`.       : jump to exact spot in last modification line
<C-O>    : retrace your movements in file (backward)
<C-I>    : retrace your movements in file (forward)
:ju(mps) : list of your movements {{help|jump-motions}}
:history : list of all your commands


To use the surround.vim

Normal mode

ds  : delete a surrounding
cs  : change a surrounding
ys  : add a surrounding
yS  : add a surrounding and place the surrounded text on a new line + indent it
yss : add a surrounding to the whole line
ySs : add a surrounding to the whole line, place it on a new line + indent it
ySS : same as ySs

Visual mode

s   : in visual mode, add a surrounding
S   : in visual mode, add a surrounding but place text on new line + indent it

*Insert mode

<CTRL-s>                             : in insert mode, add a surrounding
<CTRL-s><CTRL-s>                     : in insert mode, add a new line + surrounding + indent
<CTRL-g>s                            : same as <CTRL-s>
<CTRL-g>S                            : same as <CTRL-s><CTRL-s>

Nerd Tree

File Navigation using the nerdtree plugin

,nn     : Opens the Nerd Tree
?       : Nerd Tree commands are there for Reference

Alternate between .c and .h files

This uses the Alternate plugin

:A      : Alternate between .c and .h file


This uses the Undo Tree Plugin

,8      : Toggles ON and OFF the Undo Tree

Toggle TagBar

This uses the TagBar plugin (shows current file Tags)

,9      : Toggles ON and OFF the TagBar


This uses the EasyMotion Plugin (like f in Vimium)

,,w           : Jump to the beginning of a word
,,fo          : Jump to a letter o (instead of o, you could use ,,f<any symbol>)
,,<whatever>  : Make your own combos
,,s<whatever> : Make your own combo


This usees de Tabular plugin to align blocks of text

:Tab /=             : Aligns a block of text using the = sign
:Tab /:\zs          : Aligns a block of text using the : sign but placing the : after the word
:Tab /<any word>    : Aligns a block of text using <any word> as reference

I switched to Easy-Align, now do the following:

ga          : Starts easy align
vipga=      : Aligns around the = the visually selected p
gaip=       : Same as above
vipga*=     : Align all occurrences of =

To comment code.

In Visual Mode

gc : Comments the selected text

In Normal Mode

gcc : Comment the current line gcu : Uncomment the current line

In Insert Mode (/* C Comment Style */)

$$ : Adds a /* / comment and places cursor inside $# : Adds a / */ BLOCK Comment and places cursor in the right place

Using tabs

,tn : Creates a new tab ,tc : Closes the current tab ,to : Closes all the tabs except the current one ,<1-5> : Jumps to the tab number ,0 : Jumos to the last tab


Ctrl + : Move between windows using hjkl + : Moves window

## Other Mappings

,w : Quick Save file : Search : Sarch backward

## Marks
Marks are useful when you want to jump to a specific part of a File or to antother file quickly.

m : Create a mark at the current cursor position by the name . The scope is only inside the file. m : Same as above but the scope is global. You can jump between files using these types of marks. ' : Jump to the marked line and place the cursor at the beginning of the line. ` : Jump to the marked line and place the cursor at the exact mark spot.

## HEX and DEC
To convert between HEX and DEC in the editor, place the cursor on the number and use the following commands:

:Hex2dec : Converts from hexadecimal to decimal :Dec2hex : Converts from decimal to hexadecimal