
A Gradle plugin to perform source code token replacements in Java-based projects

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

Blossom Build Status License

Blossom is a Gradle plugin that enables the ability perform source code token replacements in Java-based projects. It is licensed under the LGPL v2.1.


To start with. You'll need to add the plugin to your plugins block.

plugins {
    id "ninja.miserable.blossom" version "1.0.1"

Global Replacement (all files)

This example shows the usage to replace all instances of the world APPLE (case-sensitive) with the word BANANA in all files. This can be seen as replaceToken 'REPLACE_THIS', 'WITH_THIS'.

blossom {
    replaceToken 'APPLE', 'BANANA'

Local Replacement (per-file)

This example shows the usage to replace all instances of the world APPLE (case-sensitive) with the word BANANA in the specified file(s). This can be seen as replaceToken 'REPLACE_THIS', 'WITH_THIS', 'IN_THIS_FILE'.

blossom {
    def constants = 'src/main/java/org/test/testy/McTesterConstants.java'
    replaceToken 'APPLE', 'BANANA', constants