This project is a work-in-progress and is not fully operational yet
LamBox uses the ncurses package to provide a high level tool for creating tui's. Its main purpose is to streamline the process of creating a user interface and eliminate a lot of the boilerplate required to get ncurses up and running.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import UI.NCurses (Event(..))
import UI.Lambox
main :: IO ()
main = lambox $ do
(box1,box2) <- do
(b1,b2) <- splitBox config Horizontal 0.5
nb1 <- withBox b1
[ setTitle (Just title)
, writeStr 2 2 "Hello World!"
nb2 <- writeStr' b2 2 2 "Press 'q' to quit!"
pure (nb1, nb2)
waitForGlobal (== EventCharacter 'q')
deleteBoxes [box1, box2]
title = Title "LamBox" AlignTop AlignRight
config = Config 2 2 22 10 (BoxAttributes Line Nothing) []