
a python module for scraping live location busyness

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Live Popular Times

A library that extends the populartimes module to include support for Live Google Maps popular times data, which is currently inaccessible via Google's API.

Getting Started


Google Maps API key https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/get-api-key


  1. For most current version: python3 -m pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/GrocerCheck/LivePopularTimes
  2. git clone the repository, cd into the populartimes directory and run pip install .
  3. Possibly outdated: python3 -m pip install LivePopularTimes


  • Please note that certain functions of this module use the Google Places Web API, which is billable to Google.
  • Functions that accept api keys in their arguments will make API calls, and vice versa (self-explanatory)
  • If you're trying to reduce API usage a typical workflow may look like:
    1. Get PlaceIDs & addresses https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/search#PlaceSearchRequests
    2. Create formatted addresses. You may need to use get_populartimes_by_Place_ID to get more address data if necessary. This performs a reverse lookup by placeID.
    3. use get_populartimes_by_address to collect data without API use!


Retrieves information for a given address and adds populartimes, wait, time_spent and other data not accessible via Google Places by scraping given a formatted address. Does not make an API call!

  • livepopulartimes.get_populartimes_by_address(formatted_address)

    • formatted_address

      • str; address of location you are looking for, preferably in the following format:
        • "(location name) , full address, city, province/state/etc, country"
    • proxy

      • default = False
      • proxies ip in format { "http" : "", "https" : "", }
    • Example call

      • livepopulartimes.get_populartimes_by_address("(H-Mart Dunbar) 5557 Dunbar Street, Vancouver BC, Canada", proxy=proxy)
  • Response

    • The information present for places can vary. Therefore popularity, current_popularity, rating, rating_n, time_wait, time_spent and phone are optional return parameters and only present if available.
    • time_wait and time_spent are in minutes
    • Note: The time_wait and time_spent parameters were only added recently to Google Maps and are only present as a language specific string. The extracted values may therefore be incorrect and you might have to parse the raw string yourself, depending on your language settings.
    • Returns dictionary of the following parameters:
      • name
      • place_id
      • populartimes populartimes is "cleaned up" data, please refer to example output for details
      • current_popularity
      • popular_times popular_times is "raw" data, please refer to example output for details
      • address
      • location
        • lat
        • lng
      • categories
      • place_types
    • Refer to example_output(get_populartimes_by_address).json) for example output

livepopulartimes.get_populartimes_by_PlaceID(api_key, place_id)

Retrieves information for a given address and adds populartimes, wait, time_spent and other data not accessible via Google Places via Places API call & scraping, given a place_id.

  • livepopulartimes.get_populartimes_by_PlaceID(api_key, place_id)

    • api_key

      • str; your Google Places API key
    • place_id

    • Example call

      • livepopulartimes.get_populartimes_by_PlaceID(API_KEY, "ChIJtW0qSJp0hlQRj22fXuPh7s4")
  • Response

    • The information present for places can vary. Therefore popularity, current_popularity, rating, rating_n, time_wait, time_spent and phone are optional return parameters and only present if available.
    • time_wait and time_spent are in minutes
    • Note: The time_wait and time_spent parameters were only added recently to Google Maps and are only present as a language specific string. The extracted values may therefore be incorrect and you might have to parse the raw string yourself, depending on your language settings.
    • Returns dictionary of the following parameters:
      • name
      • place_id
      • populartimes populartimes is "cleaned up" data, please refer to example output for details
      • current_popularity
      • popular_times popular_times is "raw" data, please refer to example output for details
      • address
      • location
        • lat
        • lng
      • hours
      • categories
      • place_types
    • Refer to example_output(get_populartimes_by_PlaceID).json) for example output

livepopulartimes.get_places_by_search(api_key, query)

Retrives Google Maps location data from search query

  • livepopulartimes.get_populartimes_by_search(api_key, query)

    • query
      • str; Google search query
    • Example call
      • livepopulartimes.get_places_by_query("restaurants open in London")
  • Response

    • The information present for places can vary
    • Returns dictionary with the following fields:
      • name
      • place_id
      • address
      • location
        • lat
        • lng
      • categories
      • place_types
    • Refer to example_output(get_places_by_search).txt) for example output

Special thanks to m-wrzr's populartimes module for the framework upon which this is built.