
Fullstack Web Dev with Scala Code Academy Course

Primary LanguageScala

Lesson 8

Start by checking out the lesson8 branch

This week we want to display the prices of every hotel to the user.


  1. In HotelsController, add the hotel prices into the search page and pass it down to the hotelsTable template.


    • Use the method provided on HotelPriceService.
    • Check the new parameter expected from hotelsTable.scala.html.
  2. Update the hotelsTable template so each hotel row has a price.


    • Fix the HotelsControllerSpec test.
  3. So far, only the initial page load will include prices. Now update the interactive search to fetch the new prices.


    • Update the method initialiseInteractiveSearch on App when the table is re-populated.
    • You can use the autowire Client again, but now you'll need to call a different service.