
This project is using stack from repository and textio library from

It has assembler, disassembler and compiler. To write program on my language use commands from the list below.

  • Input-output commands:
    • in - It gets one number from standard stream and writes it in stack of values.
    • out - it puts top value of stack in standard output.
  • Stack commands:
    • push <a> - puts <a> in stack. <a> could be constant value, register name or combination of it. If you wanna use RAM you can simply use [<a>] expression.
    • pop <a = NULL> - gets from stack it's top element and deletes it from stack. If it has no parameters only deletes. Otherwise writes top element in register which name could be in <a> option.
  • Mathematical options:
    • sum - sums two top values from stack.
    • mul - multiplies two top values from stack.
    • div - divides two top values from stack.
  • End of program command:
    • ippon - means end of program, all the next commands will be ignored.

To simply compile all the stuff use cmake and make commands with CMakeLists.txt file from repository.

For example:

mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
cmake ..

And after that you can run programs you need to run with commands:

./ass filename.sht
./dis filename.asm
./cml filename.asm

Or with only one script filename.sht.