
Repository containing the code for a tracked vehicle based on the STM32F411 discovery board

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Tracked Vehicle

This repository contains the code I have written for my tracked vehicle project.


The main goal is to learn about different technologies and techniques I was interested in, as well as adding an example to the web, how the Standard Peripheral Drivers Library, provided by ST can be used to interact with the on-board peripherals of the STM32F411-Discovery Board. In the end a steerable and to a certain level autonomous tracked vehicle is the goal.

Technologies and Techniques

To achive the goal of the project the following task need to accomplished:

  • Control two DC motors (makeing use of the L298N motor drive H-Bridge)
  • Interface with the user with on board LEDs, a 16x2 LCD screen, an IR remote and the USART interface
  • Have a closed feedback loop controlling motor voltage, motor speed and vehicle position
  • To achive this interact with the accelerometer on the Discovery Board via I2C, the gyroscope via SPI and the STM32F411's on board ADC
  • If possible interface with a GPS chip to achive absolute positioning
  • Achive a collision detection using ultra sonic sensors