
A REST API, built with Spring, Hibernate, and MySQL, providing the product review and comment section of an ecommerce application.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Reviews API

Supports operations for writing reviews and listing reviews for a product but with no sorting or filtering.


  • MySQL installed and configured to run on localhost, port 3306.
  • If you don't want to change application.properties, configure the following settings in your SQL server:
    • Create a database called ecommerce.
    • Create a user with "readWrite" access to ecommerce.
      • Username = dev_user
      • Password = password
    • Flyway will create and seed the necessary tables so that you can begin playing with the API immediately on your first run.
      • If you do not want your tables seeded, remove the V2__SeedTables.sql file from the db.migration folder.
  • MongoDB installed and configured to run on localhost, port 27017.
  • If you don't want to change application.properties, configure the following database and collection settings in your Mongo server.
    • Create a database called ecommerce.
    • Create a user in the admin database with "readWriteAnyDatabase" access.
      • Username = dev_user
      • Password = password
    • If you want to seed your tables using the same data that Flyway uses to seed the SQL tables, open your cmd shell in the db.migration folder.
      • Make sure your mongod service is running.
      • In the cmd shell, type the following command: mongo --quiet SeedMongoCollection.js.
        • Alternatively, you can start the mongo interactive shell and type load("SeedMongoCollection.js").
      • The console will print some messages and the data will be seeded.

API Documentation

  • API documentation is created using the Swagger library.
  • API documentation can be found at the following URL, once the application itself is running:
    • http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

Technical Notes

Database Structure

  • Database Name: ecommerce
  • Tables
    • products
    • reviews
    • comments
  • Relationships
    • products to reviews, one-to-many
    • reviews to products, many-to-one
    • reviews to comments, one-to-many
    • comments to reviews, many-to-one

Database Schema Database Schema

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider the following sections:


The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely: