
Source code of the C# AvaloniaUI Installer...

Primary LanguageC#

Universal installer for DELTARUNE and UNDERTALE by USP

Bye! We finally have a universal installer! With this you can patch * UNDERTALE * and * DELTARUNE * (Chapter 1 and 2), both on ** Windows **, ** macOS ** and ** Linux **! The installer will also allow you to update the patch in case we release updates. In short, convenient!


The installer is compatible with the following versions of the games:

  • ** DELTARUNE (Chaper 1 & 2 DEMO) **, version ** 1.07 **
  • ** UNDERTALE **, version ** 1.08 ** And with any version of Windows, macOS or Linux distribution capable of running **. NET Runtime 5.0 ** (more info in the prerequisites).


  • First, find the folder where you have installed * UNDERTALE * or * DELTARUNE *; generally, for example on Windows, if you have installed the game via Steam, this will be: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Undertale // or C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ DELTARUNEdemo
  • Check if your system is 32Bit or 64Bit, you can do it by going to System Information from the Windows search bar at the bottom left.
  • ** For Windows and Linux only **, install the .NET 5.0 runtime from here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0/runtime,
  • ** Windows **: Select * Download x64 * or * Download x86 * under * Run desktop apps *, depending on whether you have a 64 or 32-bit system respectively, and install the runtime following the instructions,
  • ** Linux **: Follow the instructions for your distribution here: https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/dotnet/core/install/linux, in particular you will need to install the ** dotnet-runtime- package 5.0 **

Installation on Windows

  • Download the .zip file with the installer from the site https://undertaleita.net/
  • Unzip the contents of the file into a folder
  • Open * Italian Patcher by USP *
  • Wait for the installer to download the updates, then click ** Install **.
  • Click on ** Browse ** and select, from the folder where you installed the game, the file ** data.win **, or ** DELTARUNE.exe ** or ** UNDERTALE.exe **.
  • Click ** Apply Patch **, and wait
  • As soon as it's all over, your game will be translated! You can now start it and play

** NOTE **: If when you try to start the exe Windows blocks you with a Windows SmartScreen popup, click on * More Info *, and then on * Run anyway *.

Installation on macOS

  • Download the .tar file with the installer from the site https://undertaleita.net/
  • Unzip the contents of the file
  • Move the * Italian Patch by USP * file to the * Applications * folder (** IMPORTANT **)
  • Open the * Finder *, navigate to the * Applications * folder, right click on * Spaghetti Installer * and click on ** Open **.
  • Accept any warnings that will appear on the screen.
  • Wait for the installer to download the updates, then click ** Install **.
  • Click on ** Browse ** and select, from the folder where you installed the game, the file ** game.ios **, or ** DELTARUNE.app ** or ** UNDERTALE.app **.
  • Click ** Apply Patch **, and wait
  • As soon as it's all over, your game will be translated! You can now start it and play

Installation on Linux

** NOTE **: Instructions for Linux will be provided to be executed via the terminal.

  • Download the .tar file with the installer from the site https://undertaleita.net/
  • Unzip the contents of the file into a folder
  • ** MAKE SURE YOU HAVE INSTALLED THE .NET RUNTIME **, read the prerequisites in case.
  • Open a terminal window, and navigate via cd to the directory where you unzipped, for example if I unzipped the game in ~ / SpaghettiInstaller I'll do: $ cd ~ / SpaghettiInstaller
  • Now execute the following commands: $ chmod a + x ItalianPatcherLinux.sh $ ./ItalianPatcherLinux.sh
  • Wait for the installer to download the updates, then click ** Install **.
  • Click on ** Browse ** and select the ** game.unx ** file from the folder where you installed the game
  • Click ** Apply Patch **, and wait
  • As soon as it's all over, your game will be translated! You can now start it and play

Additional Notes

The installer was possible thanks to our [@Nik] (https://github.com/nkrapivin). Plus, special thanks to [@krzys_h] (https://github.com/krzys-h) for developing * UndertaleModTool *, which was essential for development.

If you have any problems, write us on Facebook or send us an email at undertalespaghettiproject@gmail.com. Thanks for your support and patience! We hope you enjoy DELTARUNE and UNDERTALE in Italian!


  • Renard *

Building notes (in English)

for Windows and Linux there's a VS publishing profile called ReleaseProfile, use that.

for macOS, open View -> Terminal, type . / macOSBuild.ps1, hit Enter, wait for the .app "folder" in SpaghettiCh2 / bin / Release / net5.0 / publish / USPMac . Archive as .tar under Windows.