
Library for mananging data that consists of non-overlaping axis aligned rectangles writen in java.

Primary LanguageJava


Library for mananging data that consists of non-overlaping axis aligned rectangles writen in java.

Making this library as i need it for a 2d voxel game :)

The main idea is to provide a set of operations as quickly as possible while keeping rectangles described as a set of points:

  • Add rectangles (current peformance is O((logn)^2)) where n is the number of rectangles)
  • Merge rectangles O(1)
  • Remove a subrectangle from an existing rectangle O(1)
  • Determine if a bounding rectangle overlaps any rectangle (current peformance is O((logn)^2) where n is the number of rectangles)
  • get all rectangles in a given bounding rectangle (not implemented, but the peformance should be O((r log n)*(s log n)) where r and s is the number of paths down an interval tree for each dimension that have an overlap, and n is the number of rectangles)
  • get intersection between two rectangles - O(1)

Planned functionality:

  • get all touching rectangles
  • get all networks of touching rectangles
  • get all "sealed" rectangle networks (rectangles that are being touched around all of the circumfrence, or marked as a sealing rectangle)
  • get rectangle belonging to point.

Main goal of the library is to be able to quickly describe a set of rectangles over network using minimal data.