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Webserver requirements

Symfony requires a webserver with PHP and mySQL. Further dependencies: http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/requirements.html

Run composer install to install third party components.

Frontend build dependencies

(not required in production)

The following dependencies must be installed globally:

  1. Node.js and NPM:

  2. bower, gulp and karma via NPM:

    • npm install -g bower gulp karma
  3. Ruby

  4. Sass (via Ruby):

    • gem install sass

Build the frontend

  1. Open the frontend directory
  2. Run npm install once to install local NPM dependencies
  3. Run bower install once to get 3rd party components
  4. Run gulp to build the frontend assets

Develop on the frontend

Keep gulp watch running in the background. It will watch your source files and rebuild assets when it detects a change.

You might also want to install the LiveReload browser extensions to see changes without having to reload the page.

You can install new bower packages using bower install {packageName} --save. To add JavaScript components to the vendor.min.js, add the path to the vendorScripts array in Gulpfile.js

To run the unit tests, execute karma start.