
[每日一文](https://meiriyiwen.com/) 非官方 Android APP,采用 Kotlin 语言编写,配合 MVP 模式探索。

Primary LanguageKotlin


每日一文 非官方 Android APP

采用 Kotlin 语言编写,配合 MVP 模式探索。


  • RxJava
  • RxAndroid
  • RxBinding 系列
  • RxLifecycle
  • Dagger 2
  • AutoValue 系列
  • Jsoup
  • ExoPlayer
  • SQLDelight
  • Retrofit 2
  • OkHttp 3
  • Picasso

APP 下载地址:https://fir.im/ka3n


main article randomArticle voice voiceDetails bookshelf bookshelfDetails chapter favourite createArticle


  • 夜间模式
  • 音乐文件本地缓存


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.