
Website and core application functionality for MakersList services.

Primary LanguageVue


Website and core application functionality for MakersList services.



  • Create a demoable UI (due 1/29/2019)
  • Rewatch Kanban video (optional)



Issue Rules

  • All new issues always start in the backlog.
  • Issues must clearly and concisely state intention.
  • If an issue depends on completing other issue(s) first, reference those issues in the dependencies.


Column Done Rules
Planning Issue has been broken in subtasks (if applicable) that take at most a single workday to complete.
In Progress All functionality specified by the issue has been implemented, the code compiles and runs, and comments have been written for code review.
Parking Lot The functionality required to proceed further with the issue has been implemented.
Review Reviewer has verified code does what it is suppose to do, is formatted correctly, and contains no code smells.


  • When an issue fails to pass any of the columns, particularly review, consider breaking up the task into smaller components or asking for assistance.
  • WIP limits are listed at the top of columns in the ZenHub tab.
  • If you are working on an issue assign yourself to it.

Development Material

  • The plan is to use Vue and Firebase Firestore and Authentication.
  • Vue will serve as the frontend development framework.
  • Firebase will provide user accounts and data persistance/associativity.

Chappell's Words of Wisdom

Why Software Projects Fail
  • Lack of:
    • Communication
    • Testing
    • Follow-through on issues
    • Domain knowledge
    • Scalability
    • Scope creep