Note: has been moved on Codeberg
A plugin for Krita.
Composition Helper is a Python plugin made for Krita (free professional and open-source painting program).
It allows to easily create layers with most common composition helpers:
- Rule of third
- Golden section
- Golden spiral
- ...
Here a list of some functionalities:
- Different models of composition helpers
- Choice of line style, color, width
- Preview
As Composition Helper plugin use native Krita layers, many differents helpers can be added and then, easily managed (deletion, visiblity, opacity...)
- Please be aware that group layer named
CH# Composition Helpers
is created by plugin and, if you delete or rename it, plugin will recreate it on next helper added :-)- If more than on group layer named
CH# Composition Helpers
is found, the first one is used
Plugin installation in Krita is not intuitive and needs some manipulation:
- Open Krita and go to Tools -> Scripts -> Import Python Plugins... and select the archive and let the software handle it.
- Restart Krita
- To enable Composition Helper go to Settings -> Configure Krita... -> Python Plugin Manager and click the checkbox to the left of the field that says Composition Helper.
- Restart Krita
When you want to execute Composition Helper, simply go to Tools and select Composition Helper.
Plugin has been tested with Krita 5.2.2 (Linux Appimage, Windows 10)
[2024-04-14] Version 1.2.0 Show detailed release content
- Implement - New Helpers
- Implement - Menu access
- Implement - *Settings manager
- Fix bug - Update preview
[2023-05-09] Version 1.1.3
- Fix bug Krita 5.2.0 Compatibility
- Fix bug First Vector layer not added in composition helper group
[2022-08-19] Version 1.1.2 Show detailed release content
- Fix bug for some Krita Linux installation (not using appimage)
[2021-01-06] Version 1.1.1
- Remove forgotten print() call
[2021-01-06] Version 1.1.0 Show detailed release content
- Add option to add helpers as Vector layers instead of Paint layers
[2020-11-16] Version 1.0.3
- Plugin is now able to work with document for which color space is not RGBA 8bit/channels (don't crash Krita anymore)
[2020-11-13] Version 1.0.2
- Fix minor bug with line color selector
[2020-11-13] Version 1.0.1
- Fix invalid reference into Manual
[2020-11-13] Version 1.0.0 Show detailed release content
- First implemented/released version!
Currently, if you create a layer named CH# Composition Helpers
that is not a group layer, you can't add helper...
Currently, nothing :-) Any idea are welcome.
Composition Helper is released under the GNU General Public License (version 3 or any later version).
Composition Helper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
Composition Helper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should receive a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Composition Helper. If not, see
Long story short: you're free to download, modify as well as redistribute Composition Helper as long as this ability is preserved and you give contributors proper credit. This is the same license under which Krita is released, ensuring compatibility between the two.