
Synchronises breakpoints across windows

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Breakpoint Sync

Simply synchronises breakpoints between windows.

Why? My codebase is large, so to keep searches, etc. manageable, I tend to have windows open for each module. When it comes to debugging, it's usually from the main window module and quite often I find the file I want to break in is open in another window. By synchroning the breakpoints, I no longer need to drag files between windows.

It uses global storage to store a copy of all the breakpoints. When a breakpoint is changed, the global storage is updated. When a window is activated, it updates it's breakpoints to match the global storage.


You can install the latest version of the extension via the Visual Studio Marketplace here.

Source Code

The source code is available on GitHub here.


breakpoint-sync.debug (default:false) Set to true to create a debug channel in the output view

breakpoint-sync.globs (default:[]) An array of globs to match. If empty, all breakpoints are synchronised, otherwise only files which match one of the glob patterns will be synchronised.

breakpoint-sync.syncState (default:true) Set to false to disable synchronisation of enabled state of breakpoints

breakpoint-sync.initialSyncDelay (default: 5000) Delay before initial sync (milliseconds). If you find breakpoints are being duplicated unexpectedly, try increasing this value.


If you find there are lots of breakpoints from outside the current workspace that you are no longer interested in, you can remove them with the command Breakpoint Sync: Remove Breakpoints From Outside This Workspace. There is also a convenience function to remove all breakpoints from the current file, Breakpoint Sync: Remove Breakpoints From Current File.

If you update the globs setting, or experience other issues, you can show the currently cached breakpoints with Breakpoint Sync: Show Cache and clear the cache with Breakpoint Sync: Reset Cache.


If configured, an output channel is created in the Output View. If the extension doesn't seem to be doing what you expect, please check the contents of the output channel.