
Create State Machines with class

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Create State Machines with class


Create a State Machine has never been easier! There are just 2 components StateMachine and State. There are some state's decorators that will help develop your applications logic.


The StateMachine is the orchestrator of the states. It has a generic Context parameter that allows to provide some informations or dependencies to the states.


Subclass the State class and override the handleState method.

State Decorators


The State's delay method will return a new DelayedState that will switch to the new state after a period of time


The State's throttle method will return a new ThrottledState call the handleState max once every period of time


The State's recoveryAfter method will switch to a recoveryState if the state is still running after a period of time


// This example creates a StateMachine with 3 states

// Include the StateMachine library found here :
// https://github.com/Gruppio/StateMachine

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <StateMachine.h>

struct StateContext {
  bool isCompleted = false;

class FinalState: public State<StateContext*> {
  void handleState(StateMachine<StateContext*> *stateMachine) {
    Serial.println("Perform FinalState work");
    stateMachine->context->isCompleted = true;

class SecondState: public State<StateContext*> {
  void handleState(StateMachine<StateContext*> *stateMachine) {
    Serial.println("Perform SecondState work");
    // Will call the `handleState` of `FinalState` max once every `100ms`
        (new FinalState())->throttle(100);

class InitialState: public State<StateContext*> {
  void handleState(StateMachine<StateContext*> *stateMachine) {
    Serial.println("Perform BeginState work");
    // Will transition to `SecondState` after 1000ms
        (new SecondState())->delay(1000);

StateContext *stateContext;
StateMachine<StateContext*> *stateMachine;

void setup() {
  stateContext = new StateContext();
  stateMachine = new StateMachine<StateContext*>(stateContext, new InitialState());

void loop() {

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