Routable is an in-app native URL router, for Android. Also available for iOS.
Set up your app's router and URLs:
import com.usepropeller.routable.Router;
public class PropellerApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// Set the global context
// Symbol-esque params are passed as intent extras to the activities
Router.sharedRouter().map("users/:id", UserActivity.class);
Router.sharedRouter().map("users/new/:name/:zip", NewUserActivity.class);
In your Activity
classes, add support for the URL params:
import com.usepropeller.routable.Router;
public class UserActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Bundle intentExtras = getIntent().getExtras();
// Note this extra, and how it corresponds to the ":id" above
String userId = intentExtras.get("id");
public class NewUserActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Bundle intentExtras = getIntent().getExtras();
// Corresponds to the ":name" above
String name = intentExtras.get("name");
// Corresponds to the ":zip" above
String zip = intentExtras.get("zip");
Anywhere else in your app, open some URLs:
// starts a new UserActivity
// starts a new NewUserActivity
Routable is currently an Android library project (so no Maven).
If you're in a hurry, you can just copy-paste the file.
Or if you're being a little more proactive, you should import the Routable project (this entire git repo) into Eclipse and reference it in your own project.
You can call arbitrary blocks of code with Routable:
Router.sharedRouter().map("logout", new Router.RouterCallback() {
public void run(Map<String, String> extras) {
// Somewhere else
Sometimes you want to open a URL outside of your app, like a YouTube URL or open a web URL in the browser. You can use Routable to do that:
If you need to use multiple routers, simply create new instances of Router
Router adminRouter = new Router();
Router userRouter = new Router();
Clay Allsopp (
Routable for Android is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.