Python Mini Assignment

Overview You need to extract the data from a CSV file and write plane function to derive the inferences listed in the task list.

The link to the Dataset

Note: Use of numpy and pandas is not allowed for this assignment.

Fork and Clone the repo

Task List

  1. Design a function to know how many times a product of the “Bachmann” brand was purchased. The function should return integer value.
  2. Design a function to get the most costly product in the data provided. The function should return id as the integer value.
  3. Design a function to get the most selling product in the data provided. The function should return a string which is the name of the product.
  4. Design a function to list all the products whose rating was “3” more than once. The function should return a unique list of products.
  5. Design a function to know how many times a “S” size was purchased by male and females. The function should return a dictionary of following format
  1. Design a function to list all the items where the review contains the following content “Nulla justo.” The function should return a unique list of products.
  2. Design a function to identify the review titled as “Bad Quality” affected by which color most. Function to return the string with color name.

Note: Please return the data from the function as mentioned above.

For Evaluation: Please add following function to

def getResult():
    ##Replace testFunction with your function created for each task.
    return {