DataReporter is a cross-platform infrastructure component developed by luojisiwei dedao ebook Team. It is proved to be effective by tens of millions of dedao users.
- Cross platform, easy to deploy if you are developing multi-platform or multi-business application.
- Suitable for Real-time reporting of data.
- Anti-data loss.
- Orderly reporting of data.
- Mobile platform friendly, low power.
Start with sample usage here.
- Join to the build.gradle where in the project root directory repositories { jcenter() }
- Join to the build.gradle where in the project directory implementation 'com.luojilab.component:datareporter:1.3.7'
- Access according to the call mode of the demo
Preparation Condition:
- AndroidStudio3.1 And above
- android-ndk-r14b And above
- Use AndroidStuido open build/android in the source path
- open File menu on AndroidStudio and build Structure menu
- config the NDK path on the Android NDK location
- run the datareporter release compile task
- the Generated datareporter-release.aar use for your build
* Create a Reporter instance, the instance is native, saved in the returned int value
* @param uuid Business unique id, defined by the user as a unique id
* @param cachePath Cache path, must be globally unique, different paths for different services
* @param encryptKey Cache Encrypt Key
* @param reportImp Reporting implementation interface
* @return
public static native long makeReporter(String uuid, String cachePath, String encryptKey, IReport reportImp);
This method is used to create a DataReporter instance. This method is used to create an escalation instance.
Different businesses can create different instances without worrying about performance consumption because all instances share a single reporting thread.
* Set the number of data to be reported in a single time, and call it before start
* @param nativeReporter return by makeReporter
* @param count Number of data reported at one time
public static native void setReportCount(long nativeReporter, int count);
The method is to set the amount of data reported once, for example, set to 5, which is that the data sent by the reporting interface is spit out every 5 times.
This method can not be called, the default value is 5
* Set the maximum size limit of the cache file single file, the default value is 10k
* @param nativeReporter return by makeReporter
* @param fileMaxSize Cache file maximum size
public static native void setFileMaxSize(long nativeReporter, int fileMaxSize);
This method is to set the cache file single file size limit, can not be called, the default value is 10k
* Set the cache file validity period
* @param nativeReporter return by makeReporter
* @param expiredTime Data validity period
public static native void setExpiredTime(long nativeReporter, long expiredTime);
* Set the reporting interval
* @param nativeReporter return by makeReporter
* @param reportingInterval Reporting interval
public static native void setReportingInterval(long nativeReporter, long reportingInterval);
* Start reporting thread After setting the relevant parameters, execute it once.
* @param nativeReporter return by makeReporter
public static native void start(long nativeReporter);
The method is to start reporting threads. After creating the instance, set the corresponding parameters and call
* Wake up the report, call when the network status is good or other wake up scene call
* @param nativeReporter return by makeReporter
public static native void reaWaken(long nativeReporter);
After the network is unavailable or other scenarios cause the network to fail, the method is called after the network is restored, and the logic is triggered again.
* Data reporting call interface
* @param nativeReporter return by makeReporter
* @param data Data to be reported
public static native void push(long nativeReporter, byte[] data);
The method is a call interface for reporting, data is data to be reported, and the data needs to be a string type.
* Call this method after the report is successful
* @param nativeReporter return by makeReporter
* @param key The value returned by the escalation implementation interface
public static native void uploadSucess(long nativeReporter, long key);
The method is a method that is called after the report is successful, and the method is called after the data is successfully reported by the network. Notify Reporter that the data report is completed.
* Call this method after the report fails
* @param nativeReporter return by makeReporter
* @param key The value returned by the escalation implementation interface
public static native void uploadFailed(long nativeReporter, long key);
The method is called after the report fails, and the method is called after the data fails to be reported through the network. Notify Reporter data report failure
* Release the report instance, other methods can not be called after release
* @param nativeReporter return by makeReporter
public static native void releaseReporter(long nativeReporter);
The method is to release the report instance method. When the report function is no longer used, the method is called to release the report instance.
Note: After calling this method, you can not call any of the above methods. Because the instance has been released
-keep class com.iget.datareporter.**{*;}
- Copy the static library file corresponding to the architecture under release\iOS to the application build.
- Refer to the following call mode to access
Preparation Condition:
- xcode last version
- cmake last version
- Use the terminal to enter the build\iOS directory in the build.
- Compile the real machine library and execute the static library file generated after the build_os_arch.sh execution. libdata-reporter.a in the build folder.
- Compile the emulator library to execute the build_x86_64.sh static library file generated after execution in the build folder libdata-reporter.a
- Generate debug build execution generate_project.sh will generate debug xcode build after execution, build file in build folder
- Create a Reporter instance
- @param uuid Business unique id, defined by the user as a unique id
- @param cachePath Cache path, must be globally unique, different paths for different services
- @param encryptKey Cache Encrypt Key
- @param reportImp Reporting implementation interface
- @return */
- (void *)MakeReporter:(NSString *)uuid cachePath:(NSString *)cachePath encryptKey:(NSString *)encryptKey uploadBlock:(void(^)(int64_t key, NSArray *dataArray))uploadBlock; This method is used to create a DataReporter instance. This method is used to create an escalation instance. Different businesses can create different instances without worrying about performance consumption because all instances share a single reporting thread.
- Set the number of data to be reported in a single time, and call it before start
- @param nativeReporter The value returned by makeReporter
- @param count Number of data reported at one time */
- (void)SetReportCount:(void *)nativeReporter count:(NSInteger)count; The method is to set the amount of data reported once, for example, set to 5, which is that the data sent by the reporting interface is spit out every 5 times. This method can not be called, the default value is 5
- Set the maximum size limit of the cache file single file, the default value is 10k
- @param nativeReporter The value returned by makeReporter
- @param fileMaxSize Cache file maximum size */
- (void)SetFileMaxSize:(void *)nativeReporter fileMaxSize:(NSUInteger)fileMaxSize; This method is to set the cache file single file size limit, can not be called, the default value is 10k
- Set the cache effective time in seconds
- @param nativeReporter The value returned by makeReporter
- @param expiredTime Validity period is the unit */
- (void)SetExpiredTime:(void *)nativeReporter expiredTime:(int64_t)expiredTime;
- Set the reporting interval
- @param nativeReporter The value returned by makeReporter
- @param reportingInterval Report interval, in seconds */
- (void)SetReportingInterval:(void *)nativeReporter reportingInterval:(int64_t)reportingInterval;
- Start reporting thread After setting the relevant parameters, execute it once.
- @param nativeReporter The value returned by makeReporter */
- (void)Start:(void *)nativeReporter; The method is to start reporting threads. After creating the instance, set the corresponding parameters and call
- Wake up the report, call when the network status is good or other wake up scene call
- @param nativeReporter The value returned by makeReporter */
- (void)ReaWaken:(void *)nativeReporter; After the network is unavailable or other scenarios cause the network to fail, the method is called after the network is restored, and the logic is triggered again.
- Data reporting call interface
- @param nativeReporter The value returned by makeReporter
- @param data Data to be reported */
- (void)Push:(void *)nativeReporter byteArray:(NSData *)byteArray; The method is a call interface that is reported, data is data that needs to be reported, and the data needs to be a string type.
- Call this method after the report is successful
- @param nativeReporter The value returned by makeReporter
- @param key The value returned by the escalation implementation interface */
- (void)UploadSucess:(void *)nativeReporter key:(NSInteger)key; The method is a method that is called after the report is successful, and the method is called after the data is successfully reported by the network. Notify Reporter that the data report is completed.
- Call this method after the report fails
- @param nativeReporter The value returned by makeReporter
- @param key The value returned by the escalation implementation interface */
- (void)UploadFailed:(void *)nativeReporter key:(NSInteger)key; The method is called after the report fails, and the method is called after the data fails to be reported through the network. Notify Reporter data report failure
- Release the report instance, other methods can not be called after release
- @param nativeReporter The value returned by makeReporter */
- (void)ReleaseReporter:(void *)nativeReporter; The method is to release the report instance method. When the report function is no longer used, the method is called to release the report instance.
Note: After calling this method, you can no longer call any of the above methods. Because the instance has been released
DataReporter 是基于mmap的数据实时上报组件 主要用于数据的高性能实时上报,网络情况不好时,数据会缓存到本地。网络状态转好,马上上报。保证数据顺序上报。防数据丢失,即使应用发生崩溃,缓存数据不会丢失。
- 跨平台,DataReporter是跨平台实现,适用于Android和iOS。
- 准实时上报,网络状态好,直接上报,网络状态不好在网络转好后上报,同时上报顺序不乱序。
- 不丢数据,采用mmap实现缓冲区。即使发生应用crash或者进程被杀,数据不会丢失,下次启动会再次上报。
- 低功耗,采用c++实现,整个上报共用一个线程,多实例多业务场景共用同一线程,当数据全部上报完成后,线程休眠。
- 高效率,可配置一次上报数据条数。增加上报效率。有效利用网络。减少链接次数。同时采用native方式实现,性能方面更优秀。
demo 的使用请参考这里。
- 在项目跟目录build.gradle中加入 repositories { jcenter() }
- 在项目build.gradle中加入 implementation 'com.luojilab.component:datareporter:1.3.7'
- 按照demo的调用方式接入
- AndroidStudio3.1及以上版本
- android-ndk-r14b及以上版本
- AndroidStuido打开源码路径project/android AndroidStuido项目文件
- 打开AndroidStudio中File菜单,Project Structure菜单
- 在Android NDK location中配置NDK位置
- 在AndroidStuido中的Gradle菜单中找到位于Android菜单下的datareporter,在Tasks中找到build,选择assembleRelease进行编译。
- 生成datareporter-release.aar 导入到项目中进行使用
* 创建Reporter实例,实例是native的,保存在返回的int值中
* @param uuid 业务唯一id,由使用者定义一个唯一id
* @param cachePath 缓存路径,必须全局唯一,不同业务不同路径
* @param encryptKey 缓存加密key
* @param reportImp 上报实现接口
* @return
public static native long makeReporter(String uuid, String cachePath, String encryptKey, IReport reportImp);
* 设置单次上报的数据条数,在start之前调用
* @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
* @param count 一次上报的数据条数
public static native void setReportCount(long nativeReporter, int count);
* 设置缓存文件单文件最大大小限制,默认值为10k
* @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
* @param fileMaxSize 缓存文件最大大小
public static native void setFileMaxSize(long nativeReporter, int fileMaxSize);
* 设置缓存文件有效期
* @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
* @param expiredTime 数据有效期
public static native void setExpiredTime(long nativeReporter, long expiredTime);
* 设置上报间隔
* @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
* @param reportingInterval 上报间隔
public static native void setReportingInterval(long nativeReporter, long reportingInterval);
* 开始上报线程 设置完相关参数之后,执行一次。
* @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
public static native void start(long nativeReporter);
* 唤醒上报,在网络状态转好时调用或者其他想唤醒场景调用
* @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
public static native void reaWaken(long nativeReporter);
* 数据上报调用接口
* @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
* @param data 需要上报的数据
public static native void push(long nativeReporter, byte[] data);
* 上报成功后调用该方法
* @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
* @param key 由上报实现接口返回的值
public static native void uploadSucess(long nativeReporter, long key);
* 上报失败后调用该方法
* @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
* @param key 由上报实现接口返回的值
public static native void uploadFailed(long nativeReporter, long key);
* 释放上报实例,释放后其他方法都不可以调用
* @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
public static native void releaseReporter(long nativeReporter);
-keep class com.iget.datareporter.**{*;}
- 拷贝release\iOS下对应架构的静态库文件导入到应用项目
- 参照下面的调用方式接入
- xcode最新版本
- cmake最新版本
- 使用终端进入项目中project\iOS目录
- 编译真机版本库执行 build_os_arch.sh 执行后生成的静态库文件在build文件夹下libdata-reporter.a
- 编译模拟器版本库执行 build_x86_64.sh 执行后生成的静态库文件在build文件夹下libdata-reporter.a
- 生成调试工程执行 generate_project.sh 执行后会生成调试的xcode工程,工程文件在build文件夹下
- 创建Reporter实例
- @param uuid 业务唯一id,由使用者定义一个唯一id
- @param cachePath 缓存路径,必须全局唯一,不同业务不同路径
- @param encryptKey 缓存加密key
- @param reportImp 上报实现接口
- @return */
- (void *)MakeReporter:(NSString *)uuid cachePath:(NSString *)cachePath encryptKey:(NSString *)encryptKey uploadBlock:(void(^)(int64_t key, NSArray *dataArray))uploadBlock; 该方法是创建DataReporter实例的方法,通过该方法创建上报实例。 不同的业务可以创建不同的实例,不必担心性能消耗,因为所有实例共用一个上报线程
- 设置单次上报的数据条数,在start之前调用
- @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
- @param count 一次上报的数据条数 */
- (void)SetReportCount:(void *)nativeReporter count:(NSInteger)count; 该方法是设置一次上报的数据数量,例如设置为5,这是上报接口吐出的数据就是按5条每次吐出。 该方法可以不调用,默认值为5
- 设置缓存文件单文件最大大小限制,默认值为10k
- @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
- @param fileMaxSize 缓存文件最大大小 */
- (void)SetFileMaxSize:(void *)nativeReporter fileMaxSize:(NSUInteger)fileMaxSize; 该方法为设置缓存文件单文件大小限制,可不调用,默认值为10k
- 设置缓存有效时间,秒为单位
- @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
- @param expiredTime 有效期 秒为单位 */
- (void)SetExpiredTime:(void *)nativeReporter expiredTime:(int64_t)expiredTime;
- 设置上报间隔
- @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
- @param reportingInterval 上报间隔,秒为单位 */
- (void)SetReportingInterval:(void *)nativeReporter reportingInterval:(int64_t)reportingInterval;
- 开始上报线程 设置完相关参数之后,执行一次。
- @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值 */
- (void)Start:(void *)nativeReporter; 该方法是开始上报线程。在创建实例后,设置好相应参数后调用
- 唤醒上报,在网络状态转好时调用或者其他想唤醒场景调用
- @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值 */
- (void)ReaWaken:(void *)nativeReporter; 在无网络后或者其他场景导致网络不通情况,网络恢复后调用该方法,触发再次上报逻辑
- 数据上报调用接口
- @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
- @param data 需要上报的数据 */
- (void)Push:(void *)nativeReporter byteArray:(NSData *)byteArray; 该方法为上报的调用接口,data为需要上报的数据,数据需要是字符串类型
- 上报成功后调用该方法
- @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
- @param key 由上报实现接口返回的值 */
- (void)UploadSucess:(void *)nativeReporter key:(NSInteger)key; 该方法为上报成功后调用的方法,数据通过网络上报成功后调用该方法。通知Reporter数据上报完成
- 上报失败后调用该方法
- @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值
- @param key 由上报实现接口返回的值 */
- (void)UploadFailed:(void *)nativeReporter key:(NSInteger)key; 该方法为上报失败后调用该方法,数据通过网络上报失败后调用该方法。通知Reporter数据上报失败
- 释放上报实例,释放后其他方法都不可以调用
- @param nativeReporter 由makeReporter返回的值 */
- (void)ReleaseReporter:(void *)nativeReporter; 该方法为释放上报实例方法,当上报功能不再使用,调用该方法,释放上报实例。
- 参看 DataReporter/sample;
- 阅读 源码;
- 阅读 wiki;
- 联系我们。得到客户端技术组 QQ:21314601
感谢腾讯团队开源的MMKV项目。本项目借鉴了部分源码。 感谢开源。
DataReporter 使用的 MIT 协议,详细请参考 LICENSE。