
Options trading board for LX

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LedgerX options board

## Run the server

From the server directory run npm install to install dependencies. Then you can simply run node server.js. This will spin a server on port 4000.

Run the React app

In the project directory, you can run:


Will bootstrapp the app and download dependencies.

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

Live Feed data

I am pulling live data from the Ledger X [https://trade.ledgerx.com/api] (live feed).

Since I had some issue in getting the data directly from the React app, due to CORS settings, I took the following steps:

  • For the REST API I am using a proxy to circumnavigate CORS.
  • For the WSS data I created a Node backend that I use as middleman between the Live Feed server the client. I open a socket connection and directly stream the data for the front end to consume from an Express API. Please note that due to the usage of proxy getting data might be a bit slower than expected. I would also expect some ms delay on WSS data due to the extra layer.

In the front end I am displaying all the different contracts data in a scrollable table. If you would like to see extra details about an individual contract, you can do so by clicking the graph icons to the left/right of the table row. This will redirect to a page where a chart about that contract call/put historical data is displayed.

At the top of the table there is a BTC price field that stais sticky so users can always know which option is in/out of the money.


I am using Jest and Enzyme for unit testing.

TODO list

  • Improve theme colours.
  • Pull graph data from historic API.
  • Test performance.
  • Refactor code and split into different functions.
  • Beetter error handling.