
This is where the magic begins 🖇️

The Kraken Project

SourceForge BuyMeACoffee

How to apply?


  • Around 250G disk space
  • 20G or more usable internet
  • A computer with at least 16G RAM running Linux or MacOS


  • Preparing the SERVER

    1. To prepare your server, i recommend using Akhil Narang scripts.
    2. Make directory for the repo binary
      mkdir ~/bin
    3. Add directory for the repo binary to its path
    4. Downloading repo binary and placing it in the proper directory
      curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
    5. Giving the repo binary the proper permissions
      chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
    6. Creating directory for where the ROM repo will be stored and synced
      mkdir ~/AOSPK
      cd ~/AOSPK
  • Preparing the ROM

    1. Make sure you have a build environment setup.
    2. Make a new directory, cd to it and run
      repo init -u https://github.com/AOSPK/manifest -b twelve
    3. Sync!
      repo sync -c -j$(nproc --all) --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --force-sync
  • Preparing device

    1. Clone your tree repositories Example:
      git clone https://github.com/YourUser/device_xiaomi_beryllium -b twelve device/xiaomi/beryllium
    2. Move/copy your <ROM>.mk (Example: lineage.mk or lineage_beryllium.mk) file to aosp_beryllium.mk.
    3. Open this file and
      • Set PRODUCT_NAME to aosp_<device> (Example: aosp_beryllium)
      • For a Phone or tablet with a SIM Card, add
        # Inherit from aosp vendor
        $(call inherit-product, vendor/aosp/config/common_full_phone.mk)
      • For a WiFi-only tablet, add
        # Inherit from aosp vendor
        $(call inherit-product, vendor/aosp/config/common_full_tablet_wifionly.mk)
    4. Save and exit
  • Building

    1. If you want to do it manually, run:
      . build/envsetup.sh
      lunch aosp_<device>-userdebug
      make -j$(nproc --all) bacon
      . build/envsetup.sh
      lunch aosp_beryllium-userdebug
      make -j$(nproc --all) bacon
      For detailed logs, use:
      make -j$(nproc --all) bacon 2>&1 | tee log.txt
    2. This will start compiling the build.
    3. Resolve errors if any and continue building.
    4. Remember to make clobber && make clean every now and then!

Reporting compilation issues

  • For common porting related errors, visit Android Building Help
  • Make sure you provide relevant logs, screenshots and details with all sources you used.