
Courseware VM images and instructions

Primary LanguageShell

Courseware for Engineering Software as a Service

a/k/a UC Berkeley CS 169 Software Engineering, a/k/a CS 169.1x/169.2x on EdX

This repo contains information useful to instructors (and arguably students) using the ESaaS course materials.

vm-setup contains instructions on setting up an environment in which to do the work. Our recommended approach is to use Cloud9, for which we provide instructions, but we also provide scripts designed to start from a clean Ubuntu image (see comments inside script for which Ubuntu distro) and install all the courseware needed for the class. This can be used, e.g., on a clean install of Ubuntu on your personal computer, or on Amazon EC2 or another cloud computer.

We no longer distribute prepopulated VM images.

The Wiki contains information on each of the autogradable homeworks, which are public repos named saasbook/hw-*. (The corresponding private saasbook/hw-*-ci repos contain the autograder files and reference solutions for each homework.)