
EECS 106A/206A Fall 2018 at UC Berkeley

Primary LanguageC++


Course Info

EE106A EE206A EECS106A EECS206A at UC Berkeley


All the course material and personal lab solutions of EECS 106A/206A at UC Berkeley. If you are a Cal student intereted in robotics areas, I would strongly recommend you to take this course and EECS 106B/206B. Otherwise, please refer to the Syllabus.pdf to check the lecture timeline and labs related, if you would prefer have a self-learning experience.



ROS Indigo or Kinetic work well for most labs. Other dependencies for each lab need to be refered individually in the instruction pdf.


  • Lab 1: No hardware needed
  • Lab 2: No hardware needed
  • Lab 3: Baxter robot
  • Lab 4: Microsoft Kinetic or other configured cameras
  • Lab 5: Baxter robot
  • Lab 6: Turtlebot, Microsoft Kinetic or other configured cameras
  • Lab 7: Baxter robot
  • Lab 8: Turtlebot, Microsoft Kinetic or other configured cameras


Lectures are organized by following the structure of the course book A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation. The course material convers from chapter 1 to chapter 4.


If you have difficulties, please refer to my personal remarks about lab work. I wrote some hints to the difficuilties that I have encountered or some feedback from GSIs.