
Compiler Course Design: Building a Java compiler totally from scratch.

Primary LanguageJava

Compiler Course Design: Building a Java compiler totally from scratch.

Term: Fall 2019 Course: CS651 - Compiler I Date: Fall 2019 Semester (Sep - Dec 2019) Language: Java

Built a Java compiler from scratch -- developed the compiler pipeline of FSM file scanning, LL(1) token parsing, semantic type-checking analysis, and code generation to compile a source file into JVM bytecode and runnable.

J-- folder contains all the source code and test case of the Jminusminus compiler.

Projects folder contains all the project assignments in course CS651.

Up to now, the latest project is Project 5. I uploaded the project assignment in this repository. For Academic Integrity, I will update the repository after the grading of Project 5.

Getting Started with J-- Compiler

  1. Download the entire J-- folder and put all the file into some folder. We will refer to this folder as $j.

  2. Configure the environment variable PATH to include $j/j--/bin. Verify that you have configured the PATH variable correctly by typing in the command prompt j-- and this should work in any directory. If you see "command not found" then make sure the PATH is correct and that the permissions within the bin folder are executable.

  3. Install J2SE 8 or later and configure the environment variable PATH to include the path to the Java binaries. For example, on Windows, PATH might include C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0\bin.

  4. Install Ant 1.8.2 or later, set the environment variable ANT_HOME to point to the folder where it is installed, and configure environment variable PATH to include $ANT_HOME/bin.

  5. Test that your installation is correct by running:

$j/j--> ant

You are now ready to work with the j-- compiler.

Compile and Test the Compiler

Using Apache Ant, execute the appropriate Ant target as follows:

$j/j--> ant <target>

To simply compile this compiler, please run:

$j/j--> ant clean compile jar

If no target is specified, the default (runCompilerTests) target is executed. To obtain a list of available Ant targets, execute the following command:

$j/j--> ant help

Print the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

To print the abstract syntax tree:

$j/j--> bin/j-- -p P.java

where P.java is the path to any java file you want to analyze and print the abstract syntax tree.

Make Use of the Compiler

The j-- compiler can be executed directly on the command line using the script $j/j--/bin/j--. For example, $j/j--/tests/pass/HelloWorld.java can be compiled using j-- as follows:

$j/j--> j-- tests/pass/HelloWorld.java

The class file HelloWorld.class produced under $j/j--/pass/ can be run as follows:

$j/j--> java pass.HelloWorld

The full command-line syntax for the j-- script is as follows:

Usage: j-- <options> <source file>
Where possible options include:
  -t  Only tokenize input and print tokens to STDOUT
  -p  Only parse input and print AST to STDOUT
  -pa Only parse and pre-analyze input and print AST to STDOUT
  -a  Only parse, pre-analyze, and analyze input and print AST to STDOUT
  -s  <naive|linear|graph> Generate SPIM code
  -r  <num> Max. physical registers (1-18) available for allocation; default = 8
  -d  <dir> Specify where to place output files; default = .