The implementation of TE-HI-GCN in our paper:(The paper is under rewever.)

Lanting Li et.al "TE-HI-GCN: An Ensemble of Transfer Hierachical Graph Convolutional Networks for Disorder Diagnosis."


Python 3.6

Reproducing Results

For ABIDE Datasets:

mkdir model

cd model

mkdir <fGCN/hiGCN/ehiGCN> (choose a floder name that you need)

cd <fGCN/hiGCN/ehiGCN>


1、f-GCN: python train-fGCN.py

2、HI-GCN: python train-hiGCN.py

3、E-HI-GCN: python train-ehiGCN.py


Train the model of Transfer learning part that you need.

Load the Transfer learning part into the E-HI-GCN model.

Then, python train-ehiGCN.

For ADNI Datasets:

Using the code in the folder: ADNI.

Other operations are consistent with the ABIDE datasets.

Change "name" in these codes when you need to product results of different atlas.

Change "thr" in train-fGCN.py when you need to product results with different thresholds.