CDA001 Display date range - German
CDA002 Display date range - English
CDA003 Display date as Roman number
CDA004 Display US date with abbreviated month names
CDA005 Display name of month independent of style language
CDA006 Display "o. J." (ohne Jahr / no year) if year of publication is unknown
CDA007 Display date as ordinal number in English
CDA008 Advanced date formatting
CDA009 Prefix + suffix for "Access Date" depending on the content of the "Language" field
CDA010 Display "Original Publication" without brackets if "Year Resolved" is empty
CED001 Only output edition if it is not 1
CED003 Prefix + suffix for edition depending on the content of the "Language" field
COT001 Prefix + suffix for volume depending on the content of the "Language" field
COT002 Prefix + suffix for number depending on the content of the "Language" field
COT003 Suppress back reference if reference and back reference occur in the same footnote
COT004 Suppress output of citation page if citation page is identical to the article's first page
COT005 Output number of citations
COT006 Convert HTML-encoded text to RTF
COT007 Capitalize first letter of simple text field elements
COT008 Write first letter in lower case
COT009 Make DOI wrappable
COT010 Format letter for resolving ambiguity
COT011 Output "o. O." (ohne Ort / no place) if the place of publication is unknown
COT012 Shorten the page number range, which comprises 3 pages
COT013 Correct font style for et al abbreviation
COT014 "Custom Field1" contains Kindle iPad Nook ... (for MLA)
COT015 Output citation pages depending on citation page type
COT016 Do not repeat the reporter when enumerating court decisions
COT017 Do not repeat the court when enumerating court decisions
COT018 Use prefixes + suffixes with numeral system = 'None (as entered)'
COT019 Double format applications eliminate each other
COT020 Switch between PMID and DOI
COT022 Citation key manually set
COT023 Output citation key for resolving ambiguity
COT024 Prefix + suffix for "Online Address" depending on the content of the "Language" field
COT025 Output "Translated Title" language specific
COT026 Replace parentheses by brackets
COT027 Replace divis by dash in page range
COT028 Output citation pages depending on citation page numbering type
COT029 Output page range of reference depending on page range numbering type
COT030 Output "Language" field language specific
COT031 Replace Divis by Non-breaking Hyphen in Case Number
COT032 Remove text element [online] if field "Online address" is empty
COT033 Switch between URL and DOI
COT034 Suppress output if reference is cited only once
COT035 Output Reference Type
COT036 Prefix + suffix for page range depending on the content of the "Language" field
COT037 Replace (double) quotation marks by single quotation marks
COT038 Display o. S. if Quotation Page Range is empty
COT039 Copy parallel publication into the "Title supplement" field
COT040 Output "ebd." or "ibid." as text element depending on the content of the "Language" field
COT041 Replace Space by Non-breaking Space in the Series Title
CPE001 Add ISSN to Journal Name or replace with ISSN
CPE002 Add the content of the "Note" field to the Journal Name
CPE003 Vary points in abbreviated Journal Names
CPE004 Add the content of the "Abbreviation 3" field to the Journal Name
CPE005 Replace Space by Non-breaking Space in the Journal Name
CPE006 Prefix for Journal Name depending on the content of the "Language" field
CPS001 The author of a contribution is also the editor or author of the compilation; German - ders., dies
CPS002 The author of a contribution is also the editor of the compilation; English - id., eid
CPS003 In the bibliography - Replace names after first mention; German - ders, dies
CPS004 In the bibliography - Replace names after first mention; English - id., eid
CPS005 Show number of unnamed co-authors
CPS006 Non breaking space between last and first name
CPS007 Different author names depending on the number of authors
CPS008 Abbreviate the name of the author or institution if they have already been mentioned
CPS009 Replace text element with ed. or eds
CPS011 Suppress court name if two or more decisions are mentioned in footnote
CPS012 Add first names if several authors are named by last names for 6.0 or 6.1
CPS012 Add first names if several authors are named by last names for 6.2 or higher
CPS012 Add first names if several authors are named by last names for 6.4 or higher
CPS013 Add group suffix to authors or editors or organizations
CPS014 Use "NN" (nomen nescio, nomen nominandum) for missing name
CPS015 Output name prefixes differently in the footnotes and in the bibliography
CPS018 Include the first author's initials
CPS019 Prefix + suffix for the Editor depending on the content of the "Language" field
CPS020 Abbreviate name prefixes in the footnotes and ignore for sorting in the bibliography
CPS021 In the bibliography - Replace names after first mention by dashes
CPS022 In the bibliography - Replace names after first mention by Ders., Dies
CPS023 Format certain persons differently
CPS024 Suppress spaces in Chinese names
CPS025 Removes brackets on Organization name if abbreviation is missing
CPS026 Replace Space by Non-breaking Space in the Author or Editor Name
TNE001 Check various fields if EMPTY or NOT EMPTY
TNE002 Field "Edition" is not empty
TNE003 Field "Usual abbreviation" (legal comment) is empty
TNE004 Field" CustomField1" of the parent reference is not empty
TNE005 Field "Quoted Pages" is empty
TNE006 Field "Online Address" of the parent reference is not empty
TNE007 Field "Quotation Page Range" is not empty
TNE008 Field "Author" of the parent reference is empty
TRE001 Another contribution from parent reference in the same footnote is cited
TRE002 Different reference of same author also cited
TRE003 Other contribution by same author from same parent reference also cited
TRE004 In multiple references author(s) and year identical to previous entry
TRE005 Collective volume has been cited before
TRE006 Reference has been cited only once
TRE007 Another article from same journal
TRE008 Consecutive citation - same series
TRE009 Other work in the same series was cited before
TRE010 Other work in the same series was cited in a previous footnote
TRE011 The editor is also the translator of a reference
TRE012 Reference has been cited at least 2 times before in footnotes AND is the same reference as previous
TRE013 Reference has been cited at least 2 times before in footnotes
TRE014 Previous citation of the reference is not part of a caption
TRE015 Consecutive entry in the bibliography - same reference title
TRE016 Consecutive entry in the bibliography - same series title
TRE017 Reference has been cited exactly once before
TRE018 Reference has been cited exactly once before in footnotes
TRE019 Reference has been cited on the same page before
TRE020 Reference has been cited in a footnote on the same page before
TRE021 Reference is cited in the first footnote of a page
TXY001 Field "Specific Field 3" contains "Schreiben", "Erlass" or "Verfügung"
TXY002 Field "Author" contains exactly 4 authors
TXY003 Field "Author" contains more than 4 authors
TXY004 Field "Author" contains specific name
TXY005 Field "Custom Field 1" contains the word "Lexikon", "Encyclopedia" ...
TXY007 Field "Court" contains "BVerfG"
TXY009 Field "Online Address" contains ""
TXY010 Field "Year" contains number less than or equal to 1800
TXY011 Citation Key was manually set
TXY012 Field "Series Title" contains specific name
TXY015 Field "Journal" contains specific name
TXY016 References are indirect quotations
TXY017 References are direct quotations
TXY018 Field "Edition" or "EditionNumberResolved" is exactly 1
TXY019 Field "Groups" of Parent Reference contains specific name
TXY020 Citation has the format "Author (Year)" - first part of the citation (PersonOnly and NoPar)
TXY021 Citation has the format "Author (Year)" - second part of the citation (YearOnly)
TXY022 Field "Page Range" has certain Numbering Type
TXY023 Field "Title Supplement" contains "Dissertation", "Doktor" or "Master"
BSO001 By "Custom Field 1 "or author or title (skip stop words), year, sort title
BSO002 Sort by author or title, year descending, title, volume, issue number
BSO003 Strict alphanumeric sorting
BSO004 Strict alphanumeric, sort by year in descending order
BSO005 Sort court decisions by instance
BSO006 Sort by first author, author with 1 co-author, multiple co-authors
BSO007 Sort by first author and number of co-authors
BFI001 Suppress only once cited references
BFI002 Omit from bibliography and sort by reference type
BGR01 Sort first by titles in Cyrillic, then in Latin font
If you have any questions, comments or requests, please contact the support directly
This project is licensed under the MIT License