
A tile map showing a month of streamflow conditions across the U.S.

Primary LanguageRCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Recreating the streamflow tile map

This repository uses the targets package to build the chart. Run tar_make() to execute _targets.R .

Install all packages needed to run:

install.packages(c('targets', 'tidyverse', 'lubridate', 'geofacet', 'cowplot','ggfx', 'showtext', 'magick', 'maps', 'svglite', 'xml2'))

Running tar_make() will produce:

flow_cartogram flow_national_ig flow_cartogram_ig

To disable showtext font styling after running pipeline, run:

showtext_auto(enable = FALSE)


This viz piggybacks on the [gage-conditions-gif] data processing pipeline (https://github.com/USGS-VIZLAB/gage-conditions-gif) that depends on an internal pipelining package. The data file used corresponds to scipiper::scmake("2_process/out/dv_stats.rds.ind", "2_process.yml") generated for a 1-month time period. (Instructions for internal users generating the file used by this viz: either re-run the target for the appropriate dates or filter it to the correct date range. Then save as a CSV. The CSV file needs to be uploaded to the water-visualizations-prod-website S3 bucket and live at visualizations/data/flow_conditions_{YYYYMM}.csv.)