Source code of the KDD19 paper "Deep anomaly detection with deviation networks", weakly/partially supervised anomaly detection, few-shot anomaly detection, semi-supervised anomaly detection
- AnchoretY奇虎360
- balsulami
- beijixiong3510NLPR, CASIA, UCAS
- ben-yu@twitchtv
- bfmill253
- boscoj2008National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology
- Cqingy
- CradleChiu
- dohnleeLINE+ Corp.
- fanW96ECNU
- fly51flyPRIS
- HMY626Southeast University
- jakubkarczewskiNethone
- jaychen1996-byte
- jibanli
- linxidalibaba
- lucazaviCubed
- lychrelgoLab, Vanity, DERPA
- MariaZork@namiai
- maxytianShanghai
- mdietrichsteinVienna, Austria
- N3mes1s
- pdudzic123
- qinxie
- RobertFlameThe University of Hong Kong
- schaelleRaiffeisen Schweiz
- selimfiratLondon, UK
- shenghh2015PAII Inc.
- sidinitiator
- SuaiChenColumbus Ohio
- toanhvu
- wendyfyxUniversity of Southern California
- xingxinggui
- Zeigar
- Zumbalamambo