[WIP] RTS/MOBA sandbox. Think StarCraft on a Bunny =P

Primary LanguageC#

Warning: OpenMOBA is IN DEVELOPMENT and NOT considered stable!
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OpenMOBA is an open-source RTS/MOBA engine which represents game worlds through constructive solid geometry (CSG) as opposed to traditional grid-based approaches.

Of note, OpenMOBA supports:

  • 2D Maps (stitchable to form 3D surface-constrained worlds)
  • Significant agent radius variation
  • Arbitrary hole introduction into game world
  • Arbitrary land introduction into game world (e.g. for bridges)
  • Near-optimal Pathfinding (With configurable performance vs optimality tradeoffs)
  • Iterative Pathfinding (Leverage prior solutions for fast pathfinding)
  • Flocking
  • Line of Sight Visibility Checks

Test Game the Game

You can play with OpenMOBA's sandbox by running TestGameTheGame.

Current controls are as follows:

  • Right Mouse Button - Pathfind to Point
  • Q - Test Raycast to Point
  • Wall Introduction (Scribble lines, then introduce them as walls)
    • W - Add point to scribble path.
    • E - Remove last point from scribble path.
    • R - Submit wall introduction scribble as world hole (hold shift for permanent).