Flutter app for backing up secrets by splitting those among friends
Pinned issues
- 1
Assistance Codes
#44 opened by dmitrsosnin - 1
Adding Guardian Requests (Floating)
#43 opened by dmitrsosnin - 1
Proxy Usage Flag Issue
#42 opened by dmitrsosnin - 4
Vaults: shard not saved on owner device (flag "keep one shard on my device" is on)
#24 opened by Alusar - 1
Adding Guardian through Text Code
#41 opened by dmitrsosnin - 1
Validation for Minimum Device Name Length
#40 opened by dmitrsosnin - 1
Clarify Guardian Addition via Text Code
#35 opened by dmitrsosnin - 1
Reorder Features on Main Screen
#34 opened by dmitrsosnin - 2
Clarify 'Restore Vault' Instructions
#38 opened by dmitrsosnin - 1
Implement Vault Renaming Feature
#37 opened by dmitrsosnin - 1
Add Emoji Changing Feature
#39 opened by dmitrsosnin - 0
Instruct Guardians to Open the App
#36 opened by dmitrsosnin - 0
Add Onboarding Video to App Store Listing
#33 opened by dmitrsosnin - 0
Improve Onboarding Flow for New Users
#32 opened by dmitrsosnin - 1
SocketException: SocketException: Send failed (OS Error: No route to host, errno = 65), address = ::, port = 2022
#16 opened by sentry-io - 1
NsdError: NsdError (message: "stopDiscovery: MulticastLock under-locked nsdMulticastLock", cause: internalE...
#17 opened by sentry-io - 2
The Eternal Roadmap ticket
#3 opened by ichorid - 1
- 1
emulators(android studio): no incoming requests until turn flag "Proxy connection" off/on
#26 opened by Alusar - 0
- 1
Clean up Readme
#5 opened by ichorid - 1
Implement CLA assistant
#4 opened by ichorid