
Cataract is a tools to format and transfer data from hbase/hive to hbase/hive using UDF or SQL.

Primary LanguageJava


Cataract is a tools to format and transfer data from hbase/hive to hbase/hive.


  1. hbase/hive table to JSON RDD
  2. JSON RDD format or UDF computing, to JSON RDD
  3. JSON RDD to DataFrame
  4. Spark Sql on DataFrame
  5. Save DataFrame to hbase or hive


  • Mysql relate mapping
  • Some Simple UDFs: @INT, @STR, @DIMENSION, + , etc.
  • Support table join on sql
  • Can read from hbase, hive
  • Can write to hbase, hive


Config Example:

  "broadcast": [
      "mysql": "jdbc:mysql;host;port;db;user;password",
      "city": "select pinyin, fixed_city_id from bi_city"
  "source": {
    "misc_city": {
      "type": "hbase",
      "table": "plt:misc_city",
      "UDF": [
          "short_name": "$d:short_name",
          "domain": "$d:domain",
          "location": "$d:location",
          "pinyin": "$d:pinyin",
          "city_id": "@DIMENSION(city, $d:pinyin)"
      "df.table": "misc_city",
      "df.schema": [
  "sql": [
    "select short_name, pinyin, domain, location, city_id from misc_city"
  "save": {
    "type": "hbase",
    "table": "test:ncity",
    "hbase": {
      "cf": "d",
      "row": "pinyin"
    "schema": [
    "d:location": "location",
    "d:pinyin": "city_1"


  • Load mysql table to spark broadcast, prepare for @DIMENSION function.
  • broadcast can scan multiple dbs, multiple tables at the same time, and generate (key, value) pairs for each table.
  • Key is the first column, value is the second in the sql.
  • Each Json in broadcast relate to a db, and each key of the json is a table except "mysql" which is a connection string.
  • The key of the json is the table alias which is needed in @DIMENSION

@DIMENSION(tablename, key) return the value of the key in broadcast.


Source config step 1, 2, 3.

  • source.key is an alias which is useless.
  • source.key.type defines the type of table, can be hbase or hive
  • source.key.table defines the path of the table, can be hbase table name or hive hdfs basic path.
  • source.key.partition is only needed if the type is hive. The value is a alias of the parameter which is given when you run the spark job. e.g. if the value is citypartition, in your running command, you should set citypartion:/user/hive/external/year=2016/..., and the value of citypartiton is the path you want to process.
  • source.key.UDF configs step 3 in the workflow. The key in it is the added key of json, and the value in it is the compute logic.
  • source.key.df.table the alias of table in memory, which is needed in step 5.
  • source.key.df.schema the schema of the table in memory, content column name and type.


# Get the fk of dimension
@DIMENSION(dimensionName, $first, ...)

# Cast everything to int if possible

# Cast everything to String if possible

# Format timestamp string to date string
@STRFTIME($col, yyyy-MM-dd)

# Get timestamp string of date string
@STRPTIME($col, yyyy-MM-dd)

# Format date from one type to another
@DATEFORMAT($col, yyyyMMdd, yyyy-MM-dd)


SQL config step 4. The value of sql is a list. The tools will union all sql results together.


SAVE config step 5.

  • save.type same as source
  • save.table same as source
  • save.hbase only needed when type is hbase, need to config cf and row, cf refer to columnfamily, row refer to the column you want to set as rowkey.
  • save.hive only needed when type is hive, need to config partition and mode, partition is partition keys divided by ',', mode is the mode to save, append or overwrite.
  • schema same as source.


Test should be performed after completion of the configuration.

  • testData.broadcast.key The test data of broadcast
  • testData.rowDatas The test data , mast contains all of the column in UDF parms
check contents
  1. source.TABLE_NAME.table mast be included
  2. if source.TABLE_NAME.type equals hive mast have key "partition"
  3. UDF check
    1. every funcitons mast match with regular expressions "@[\S\s]?(([\s\S]?))"
    2. every variable mast match with regular expressions "$[a-zA-Z0-9_-:]+"
    3. every text mast match with regular expressions "[a-zA-Z0-9_-:%]+"
    4. every variable Not have "@" AND "(" AND ")"
    5. if type equals "hbase" , every reference variable mast start width "d:" or "rowkey"
    6. dimension : broadcast mast contain keys in param
  4. source.TABLE_NAME.df.table mast be included
  5. source.TABLE_NAME.df.schema mast be included
  6. save.schema mast be included
  7. if save.type equqls "hive" ,"partition" mast be included
  8. if save.type equals "hbase" , "cf" AND "row" mast be included

run test json

 java -cp cataract-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.guazi.cataract.JsonConfigCheck '/path/to/demo.json'


mvn clean package

Run the tools

Put your config file in the same folder of jar, and run

spark-submit --files yourconfig.json --driver-class-path /path/to/guava-14.0.jar --class com.guazi.cataract.Cataract cataract-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar yourconfig.json citypartion:/user/hive/external/year=2016/month=08/