
Obsidian plugin to help you create game notes.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Header image Easily create game notes.

GitHub release GitHub Pages


  • Flow:
    • Create a new game note.
    • Search for game by keywords.
    • Select the game from the search results.
    • Get the game information immediately in the Obsidian note.
  • Settings:
    • Set the folder location where the new file is created.
    • Set the template file location.
    • Set up the services that you use to search for game.
  • Third-party plugins integration:
  • Advanced:

How to install

From Community Plugins

Click the link to install the Game Search plugin: Install Link


Search in the Obsidian Community plugin. And install it.

Install image

Manually (from GitHub)

  1. Clone the repository to your Obsidian plugins folder.
git clone https://github.com/Gubchik123/obsidian-game-search-plugin.git
  1. Install the dependencies.
yarn install
  1. Build the plugin.
yarn build
  1. Reload Obsidian and enable the plugin in the settings.

How to use

1. Click the ribbon icon (dice), or execute the command "Create new game note".

1 step image

2. Search for game by keywords.

2 step image

3. Select the game from the search results.

3 step image

4. Voila! A note has been created.

4 step image

How to use settings

Settings image

New file location

Set the folder location where the new file is created. Otherwise, a new file is created in the Obsidian Root folder.

Template file

You can set the template file location. There is an example template at the bottom.

Open new game note

Enable or disable the opening of the new game note after creation.

Service Provider

You can set up the services that you use to search for game. Only RAWG are available now.

RAWG API Settings


Set the API key for RAWG.

You can get an API key from RAWG.


API key is not 'Bearer' JSON Web Token (JWT).

Search precise

Enable or disable fuzziness for the search.

Search exact

Mark the search as exact.

Example template

Personally I use the following template to create game notes ;)

Please also find a definition of the variables used in this template below (look at: Template variables definitions).

created: "{{date: DD.MM.YYYY}} {{time: HH:mm}}"
    - Entertainment
    - Game
status: TO PLAY
cover:: "{{background_image}}"

## 🎮 Game Review -> {{name}}

![Game Cover]({{background_image}})

### ❓ Information

Title:: {{name}}
Release-date:: {{released}}
Rating:: {{rating}}
Genres:: {{genres}}
Tags:: {{tags}}
Parent-platforms:: {{parent_platforms}}
Stores:: {{stores}}

#### Screenshots

<%=game.short_screenshots.map(screenshot => `![Screenshot](${screenshot})`).join("\n")%>

#### Clip


#### Simple quiz

1. Player Bases 1. [ ] Kids 2. [ ] Everyone
2. Score:: 0

The idea of the template was taken from the OB_Template. Look through the repository for more examples.

Dataview rendering

Dataview image

Here is the dataview query used in the demo

List of played games

	"![|200](" + cover + ")" as Cover,
	link(file.link, Title) as Title,
	Release-date as "Released at",
	round(Rating + 5, 2) + " / 10" as Rating,
	Score + " / 10" as "My rating"
FROM  "My/Entertainments/Games" AND #Game
WHERE status = "PLAYED"
SORT Score DESC, Rating DESC, Title ASC

List of games to play

	"![|200](" + cover + ")" as Cover,
	link(file.link, Title) as Title,
	Release-date as "Released at",
	Rating + " / 5" as Rating
FROM  "My/Entertainments/Games" AND #Game
WHERE status = "TO PLAY"
SORT Score DESC, Rating DESC, Title ASC

Template variables definitions

Please find here a definition of the possible variables to be used in your template. Simply write {{name}} in your template, and replace name by the desired game data, including:

name type description
name string The name of the game.
released string The release date of the game.
background_image string The cover image URL of the game.
rating float The average vote of the game.
parent_platforms array of strings The parent platforms of the game.
genres array of strings The genres of the game.
stores array of strings The stores of the game.
clip string The clip URL of the game.
tags array of strings The tags of the game.
short_screenshots array of strings The URLs of the short screenshots of the game.


Inline Script

To print out a game object:



<%=JSON.stringify(game, null, 2)%>

When you want to list of tags:

Tags: <%=game.tags.map(tag_name =>`\n  - ${tag_name}`).join('')%>

Tags: <%=game.tags.map(tag_name => `[[Tag/${tag_name}]]`).join(', ')%>


Obsidian Game Search Plugin is licensed under the MIT License.


Feel free to contribute.

You can create an issue to report a bug, suggest an improvement for this plugin, ask a question, etc.

You can make a pull request to contribute to this plugin development.


If this plugin helped you and you wish to contribute :)

Buy me coffee on buymeacoffee.com/Gubchik123

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