
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Starter Package

I created this repository as a quicker starting point for solidity projects. It combines 3 major frameworks that are used together:

  • React -> front-end
  • Truffle -> solidity development (including network defaults to truffle-config.js)
  • MetaMask -> web3 connectivity
  • Ganache -> development

Additionally, packages that are staples and used often throughout projects are also embedded/included in package.json:

  • dotenv (.env file integration)
  • web3
  • chai
  • lodash
  • moment
  • bootstrap
  • babel (ES6 integration for Javascript)


  1. clone repository or download a local copy
git clone https://github.com/Guceri/project-init EthereumProject
  1. navigate to project directory to install package.json packages
npm install
  1. configure .env file (rename fi & set API keys, Mnemonics, etc.)
    • rename file to .env
    • configure API keys & Mnemonics
  2. make adjustments to truffle-config.js as needed (ie. compiler version)
  3. run smoke test
npm start