
The app uses simple Ui to display blog details fetched from the Api. There are 2 sets of UI's provided with the app

  1. providing a basic UI
  2. UI with a carousel to display the First 10 blogs a) The second UI takes more time to load and with the carousel it becomes a little laggy b) Need to improve the performance and also UI/UX experience

Things Done:

    Used Riverpod to manage the state of the app(mainly focuses on reading the api data)
    Added a second page to show blog details. As no info was given an empty listview was created with amber color to fill the space
    Added hero widget to add a bit of animation to the app
    Used animated text in blogdetails page to display the title in a more fun way
    Added Methods to like a blog

Problems Faced:

    The sqlite database had late initialization error
    The second homepage is laggy

Things that could be done differently:

    Could have used isar for local storage

Getting Started

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