
My emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


1 Packages needed to use this config

1.1 Unsorted

Used for xclip mode, that permit to copy paste from emacs -nw to other windows.
# apt install xclip
Used for w3m mode
# apt install w3m
To get fancy powerline, even in terminal mode
# apt install fonts-powerline

1.2 For flycheck

Used by company clang, for flychecking the C/C++ files.
# apt install clang
Used for flycheck of lua code
# apt install lua5.1 lua-check
Used for flycheck of shell script
# apt install shellcheck

1.3 For magit

Used by magit, which is a git interface for emacs
# apt install git

2 Isues

2.1 Problem with org mode

Be sure to remove all the .elc files from $HOME/.emacs.d/elpa/org-XXXXXX/

$ rm $HOME/.emacs.d/elpa/org-XXXXXX/*.elc

You can then recompile the files from $HOME/.emacs.d/elpa/org-XXXXXX/ by typing C-u 0 M-x byte-recompile-directory RET <path to org-XXXXXX> RET from an emacs session.

2.2 flycheck for bash

Be sure to put the shebang #!/bin/bash at the begining of your bash scripts in order to let flycheck know that your file is a bash script rather than a POSIX shell script. If flycheck continue thinking that the file is a sh script, try closing and reopening the file or reloading the flycheck mode.