
The LaTeX and other files I use to create my resume

Primary LanguageTeX


These are versions of the LaTeX files and lists I use for my resume. LaTeX is a powerful and advanced document preparation tool and so I share these files so others can potentially learn how to do something similar themselves, and as a means of demonstrating my skills with LaTeX. I have removed any information I do not want searchable-public, such as contact information. (It is one thing to give such information directly to a person and something else to publish it where any and all can find.) The QR code comes back to this repository, but the normal one goes elsewhere, to a master version that I keep up-to-date.

The two key features, besides the explicit control over formatting, of LaTeX that I take advantage of here are the ability to create modular documents and to read in lists that are then automatically formatted and added to the resume. This makes it much easier to keep the my lisst of published items up-to-date, andby being a modular document I can easily change the order of sections to fit the needs of the job I am applying for.