
/GUI-powered patchers constructor/

Primary LanguagePureBasic


Difference Engine is a minimalistic diff data analyzer, specifically designed for generation of lightweight patching utils.
It's rather simple to put in use without any prior knowledge of binary alteration mechanics. Was never flagged by AVs so far.


  • Fully native implementation with no external dependencies. Proven to work on XP and beyond.
  • Minimalistic Win98-inspired GUI. Everything needed is compacted into single setup window.
  • Extensive commandline automation support. Could be used as classical shell utility.
  • XCopy-based installation.


Difference Engine was written for PureBasic v5.20, though compatible with 5.7x (LTS).
It relies on .\resources\template.app shim file to generate outcoming executibles.
To rebuild constructor app - compile Main.pb as root sourcefile.

/Brief samples of interfacing/:

Core setup