
Repositório dedicado à projeto feito durante o curso de desenvolvimento web da Trybe

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Trybers and Dragons

  • Project to use SOLID and OOP concepts into developing a RPG like script.


  1. Create Race class ✔️
  2. Create classes that inherit from Race ✔️
  3. Create Energy interface ✔️
  4. Create Archetype class ✔️
  5. Create classes that inherit from Archetype ✔️
  6. Create Fighter interface ✔️
  7. Create Character class ✔️
  8. Create SimpleFighter interface ✔️
  9. Create Monster class ✔️
  10. Create PVP class ✔️

Bonus Requirements

  1. Create PVE class ✔️
  2. Create Dragon class ✔️
  3. Create objects in index file ✔️

Language and Tools

typescript Typescript

docker Docker

Get started

With Docker
👉 Dockerfile and Docker-compose were provided by Trybe

⚠️ Before you start, you must check if your docker-compose version is 1.29 or higher

  • Run node and db by running:
$ docker-compose up -d
  • Open interactive terminal using:
$ docker exec -it trybers_and_dragons bash
  • Install dependencies, inside the container, with:
$ npm install
Install it locally
  • Open terminal and create a directory in your preferred location:
$ mkdir <Your directory name here>
  • Access directory then clone the repository:
$ cd <Your directory name here>
$ git clone git@github.com:ViniGB/Project-Trybers-and-dragons.git
  • Access the newly created directory:
$ cd Project-Trybers-and-dragons
  • Install dependencies:
$ npm install