
Converts Quaver map files to osu map files based on reamberpy

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Converts quaver map files (.qp) to osu! map files (.osz)

Outdated and not maintained anymore, use my rewrite qua3osu instead. Currently doesn't have a GUI yet, but saves a lot of hassle.

Old content


Image of the GUI


Download the lastest release from here

Step by step instructions

  • Download qua2osu, no installation needed etc.
  • You can decide to use the command-line tool or the GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  • Command-line:
    • Execute the qua2osu.exe file with the --help flag in the console by running qua2osu.exe --help (double-clicking doesn't work)
    • Set options with some flags to spice things up (Example: qua2osu.exe -i myfolder/subfolder -od 8.5 -hp 9 -hv 0 which would convert all .qp files in "myfolder/subfolder", set OD to 8.5, HP to 9 and hitsound volume to 0)
  • GUI:
    • Execute the qua2osu-gui.exe file, either by double-clicking or by running it in the console
    • GUI should pop up, select a folder with your .qp files and select a folder to output your .osz files
    • Set some settings and click on convert

Step by step instructions to build the project yourself

  • Install Git and Python if necessary
  • Install pip if necessary (should ship with python)
  • Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/IceDynamix/qua2osu.git
  • It's best to set up a virtual environment for the project, but not necessary if you don't know how to
    • Activate your virtual environment by running the activate file in your virtual environment folder
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt in the directory to install all package dependencies (mainly reamber (conversion), PyQT5 (gui) and some QOL stuff)
  • Run py qua2osu.py or py qua2osu-gui.py


This project uses pycco to create documentation. Regenerating the documentation after modifying or adding new files is done by pycco ./*.py. Having a git hook that generates it pre-commit and adds it to the staged files is recommended.



In case you want to contribute to this project, please keep following things in mind:

  • This project uses flake8 as the primary linter. A .flake8 is present in the root directory. Run flake8 yourpythonfile.py to lint your file.
  • QT Designer is used to work with the gui.ui file. Use pyuic5 -x gui/gui.ui -o gui/gui.py in the root directory to regenerate the gui.py file after editing the gui.ui file.
  • Use camelCase for variable, function and method names.
  • Use PascalCase (camelCase, but first letter capitalized) for class names.
  • Use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for constants.
  • Please document your code. Refer to the Documentation section.

Please report issues here on github.

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