TRYBE 🚀 - My journey to become a full-stack dev

Finished in 2018

This repository contains all learning activities developed by Guilherme Silva OliveiralinkedIn while studying at TRYBE 🚀

Trybe is a school of the future that was founded with the purpose of generating significant opportunities for anyone who wants to improve their lives and build a successful career in technology. Assuming a genuine commitment to people, at Trybe they only start paying when they get a good job.

The program has more than 1500 hours of classroom and online classes and covers front-end, back-end, computer science, software engineering, agile methodologies, and soft skills.

Introduction Web Development ✔️

See more about Introduction Web Development module
Block 1: Unix, Bash and Shell Script ✔️
  • 1-3: Setup
  • 1-3: Fundamentals of Web Development
  • 1-3: Introduction - Unix & Shell
  • 1-3: Unix & Bash - Part 1
  • 1-4: Unix & Bash - Part 2
  • 1-5: Shell Script
Block 2: Git, GitHub and Internet ✔️
  • 2-1: Git & GitHub - What it is and what it is for
  • 2-2: Git & GitHub - Understanding the commands
  • 2-3: Internet - Understanding how it works
Block 3: Introduction to HTML and CSS ✔️
  • 3-1: Introduction - HTML & CSS
  • 3-1: HTML & CSS - Page structures
  • 3-2: HTML & CSS - Getting Started with CSS
  • 3-3: HTML & CSS - Selectors and positioning
  • 3-4: Semantic HTML
  • Project - HTML & CSS
Block 4: Introduction - JavaScript ✔️
  • 4-1: Introduction - JavaScript4-1: JavaScript - Getting Started
  • 4-2: JavaScript - Array and For Loop
  • 4-3: JavaScript - Programming Logic and Algorithms
  • 4-4: Objects and functions
Block 5: Introduction - JavaScript - Projects ✔️
  • 5-1: JavaScript - DOM and selectors
  • 5-2: JavaScript - Working with elements
  • 5-3: JavaScript - Events
  • 5-4: JavaScript - Web Storage
  • 5-5: Introduction - JavaScript - Projects
  • Project - Meme Generator
  • Project - Art with Pixels
  • Project - Task List
  • 5-7: (Bonus) Project - Guess the Color
  • 5-7: (Bonus) Project - Mysterious Card
Block 6: Introduction - Front-end ✔️
  • 6-1: Introduction - Front-end
  • 6-1: HTML & CSS - Forms
  • 6-2: JavaScript libraries and CSS frameworks
  • 6-3: Introduction - CSS Flexbox
  • 6-3: CSS Flexbox - Part 1
  • 6-4: CSS Flexbox - Part 2
  • 6-5: Responsive CSS - Mobile First
  • Project - Facebook home
Block 7: JavaScript ES6 & Unit Tests ✔️
  • 7-1: JavaScript ES6 - let, const, arrow functions and template literals
  • 7-2: JavaScript ES6 - Objects
  • 7-3: JavaScript unit tests
  • Project - JavaScript Unit Tests
Block 8: JavaScript ES6 ✔️
  • 8-1: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - forEach, find, some, every, sort
  • 8-2: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - map and filter
  • 8-3: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - reduce
  • 8-4: JavaScript ES6 - spread operator, rest parameter, destructuring and more
  • Project - Zoo functions
Block 9: Asynchronicity & Callbacks ✔️
  • 9-1: Asynchronous JavaScript and Callbacks
  • 9-2: JavaScript Promises
  • Project - Shopping Cart
Block 10: Jest ✔️
  • 10-1: First steps at Jest
  • 10-2: Jest - Asynchronous Tests
  • 10-3: Jest - Simulating behaviors
  • Project - Asynchronous Jest and Mocking

Front-end Development ✔️

​See more about Front-end Development module
Block 11: Introduction - React ✔️
  • 11-1: Introduction - React
  • 11-1: 'Hello, world!' in React!
  • 11-2: React Components
  • Project - Movie Cards Library
Block 12: React ✔️
  • 12-1: Components with status and events
  • 12-2: React forms
  • Project - Movie Cards Library Stateful
Block 13: React ✔️
  • 13-1: Components life cycle
  • 13-2: React Router
  • Project - Movie Cards Library CRUD
Block 14: Agile Methodologies ✔️
  • 14-1: Agile Methodologies
  • Project - Frontend Online Store
Block 15: Automated Tests with React Testing Library ✔️
  • 15-1: RTL - First steps
  • 15-2: RTL - Mocks and Inputs
  • 15-3: RTL - Testing React Router
  • Project - React Tests
Block 16: State Management with Redux ✔️
  • 16-1: Introduction to Redux
  • 16-2: React with Redux - Part 1
  • 16-3: React with Redux - Practice
  • 16-4: React with Redux - Part 2
  • 16-5: Synchronous tests with React-Redux
  • Project - Wallet
Block 17: Project Trivia Game ✔️
  • Project - Trivia Game
Block 18: Context API and React Hooks ✔️
  • 18-1: React Context API
  • 18-2: React Hooks - useState and useContext
  • 18-3: React Hooks - useEffect and custom Hooks
  • Project - Datatable StarWars with Context API and Hooks
Block 19: Final Front-end Project ✔️
  • Project - Recipe App

Back-end Development ✔️

​See more about Back-end Development module
Block 20: Introduction - Relational Databases ✔️
  • 20-1: Introduction - Back-end
  • 20-1: Introduction - Relational databases
  • 20-1: SQL database
  • 20-2: Finding data in a database
  • 20-3: Filtering data specifically
  • 20-4: Manipulating tables
  • 20-5: Project - All For One
Block 21: Relational Databases ✔️
  • 21-1: Most used functions in SQL
  • 21-2: Uncomplicating JOINs and UNIONs
  • 21-3: Stored Routines & Subqueries
  • 21-4: Project - Vocabulary Booster
Block 22: Relational Databases ✔️
  • 22-1: Transforming ideas into a database model
  • 22-2: Normalization, Normal Shapes and Dumps
  • 22-3: Transforming ideas into a database model - Part 2
  • 21-4: Project - One For All
Block 23: Introduction - NoSQL ✔️
  • 23-1: Introduction - NoSQL
  • 23-2: MongoDB - Introduction
  • 23-3: Filter Operators
  • 23-4: Project - Data Flights
Block 24: Updates ✔️
  • 24-1: Simple Updates
  • 24-2: Complex Updates - Arrays
  • 24-3: Reads & Searchs - Arrays
  • 24-4: Project - Commerce
Block 25: Aggregation Framework ✔️
  • 25-1: Aggregation Framework - Part 1
  • 25-2: Aggregation Framework - Part 2
  • 24-3: Project - Aggregations
Block 26: NodeJS Introduction ✔️
  • 26-1: What It Is - NodeJS
  • 26-1: NodeJS - Introduction
  • 26-2: NodeJS - Asynchronous Flow
  • 26-3: NodeJS - Tests
  • 26-4: Express: HTTP with Node.js
  • 26-5: Practicing Express
  • 26-6: Project - Crush Manager
Block 27: NodeJS Software Architecture ✔️
  • 27-1: Software Architecture - Introduction
  • 27-1: Software Architecture - Model Layer
  • 27-2: Software Architecture - Controller & Service Layer
  • 27-3: Web Architecture - Rest & Restful
  • 27-4: Software Architecture - Layers Tests
  • 27-5: Project - Store Manager
Block 28: Node - JSON Web Token ✔️
  • 28-1: NodeJS - JWT - (JSON Web Token)
  • 28-2: NodeJS - Upload files with Multer
  • 28-3: Project - Cookmaster version 2 ​
Block 29: Introduction - Deploy ✔️
  • 29-1: Introduction - Deploy
  • 29-1: Infrastructure - Deploy with Heroku
  • 29-2: Deploy - Process Managers
  • 29-3: Project - Stranger Things
Block 30: Project - Trybeer 1.0 ✔️
> - [x] 30-1: *Project - Trybeer*
Block 31: Architecture SOLID & ORM ✔️
  • 31-1: Architecture - SOLID Principles
  • 31-2: ORM - Interface between application and database
  • 31-3: Software Architecture - DDD
  • 31-4: Good practices writing tests
  • 31-5: Project - Blogs API
Block 32: Sockets ✔️
  • 32-1: Sockets - TCP/UDP & NET
  • 32-2: Sockets -
  • 32-3: Project - Webchat
Block 33: Project - Trybeer 2.0 ✔️
  • 33-1: Project - Trybeer v2

​Computer Science ✔️

See more about ​Computer Science module
Block 34: Introduction - Computer Science ✔️
  • 34-1: Introduction - Computer Science
  • 34-2: Computers Architecture
  • 34-3: Computers networks, tools and security
  • 34-4: Project - Exploring protocols
Block 35: Python ✔️
  • 35-1: Learning Python
  • 35-2: Tests and Exceptions
  • 35-3: Data Input and Output
  • 35-4: Data Scraping
  • 35-5: Project - Tech news
Block 36: Object Oriented Programming ✔️
  • 36-1: Introduction to object oriented programming
  • 36-2: Object oriented programming in practice
  • 36-3: Project patterns
  • 36-4: Project - Stock Reports
Block 37: Data Structure I ✔️
  • 37-1: Data Structure I - Arrays
  • 37-2: Data Structure I - Algorithms Complexity
  • 37-3: Recursion and Strategies to solve problems
  • 37-4: Sorting and Searching Algorithms
  • 37-5: Project - Algorithms
Block 38: Data Structure II ✔️
  • 38-1: Data Structure II - Hash maps & Dict
  • 38-2: Data Structure II - Set
  • 38-3: Project - Restaurant Orders
Block 39: Data Structure III ✔️
  • 39-1: Data Structure III - Stacks
  • 39-2: Data Structure III - Deque
  • 39-3: Data Structure III - Node and Connected Lists
  • 39-4: Data Structure III - Doubly Connected Lists
  • 39-5: Project - TING - Trybe Is Not Google