
In this first project of network security, you will implement the Address Resolution Protocol spoofing/poisoning method, which is one of the most basic Man In The Middle attacks. This attack is possible using a vulnerability present in the the way the ARP protocol works and interacts in a network

Primary LanguageC


In this project of network security, you will implement the Address Resolution Protocol spoofing/poisoning method, which is one of the most basic Man In The Middle attacks. This attack is possible using a vulnerability present in the the way the ARP protocol works and interacts in a network.


The Address Resolution Protocol is a layer 2 protocol used to map MAC addresses to IP addresses. All hosts on a network are located by their IP address, but NICs do not have IP addresses, they have MAC addresses. ARP is the protocol used to associate the IP address to a MAC address. ARP uses broadcast communication (one-to-all) in order to ask all end clients within a LAN, what is the physical address of a given IP.


ARP poisoning (also known as ARP Spoofing) is a well-known technique used to perform MITM (man-in-the-middle) or DoS (denial of service) attacks on a LAN. You might think that every security researcher and every hacker knows this technique inside out. After all it is pretty simple. The attack consists of an attacker sending a false ARP reply message to the default network gateway, informing it that his or her MAC address should be associated with his or her target's IP address. Because the ARP protocol was designed purely for efficiency and not for security, ARP Poisoning attacks are extremely easy to carry out as long as the attacker has control of a machine within the target LAN or is directly connected to it.


  • Clone the repository git clone
  • Build and start up the Docker Containers with make docker (make sure you have Make, Docker and Docker Compose installed before this step)
  • Get inside Docker Images using docker exec -it [DOCKER ID] bash or using VSCode Docker extension
  • Inside Victim's Docker Container, run ifconfig and get the Container IP (inet) and MAC (ether) adresses
  • Inside Attacker's Docker Container, get in ft_malcolm directory and compile with make
  • Run the program with ./ft_malcolm [SOURCE IP] [SOURCE MAC] [VICTIM IP] [VICTIM MAC] where:
    • SOURCE IP is the IP of the machine you're pretending to be. You can simple get Victim IP and change the last byte (e.g. if the victim IP is, you can use
    • SOURCE MAC is the spoofed MAC Adress you're sending to the victim. You can use any valid MAC, like aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa
    • VICTIM IP is the IP you got in Victim Container with ifconfig
    • VICTIM MAC is the MAC you got in Victim Container with ifconfig
  • Now the program is waiting an ARP Request to be broadcasted by the victim
  • Inside Victim Docker Container, try to establish a connection with the SOURCE IP, in this example ping
  • Note that the program running in Attacker's Container intercepted the ARP Request and responded.
  • The ARP Poisoning is complete. If you run arp -a inside Victim's Container you will notice that the spoofed MAC Address we passed to the program has been injected into the victims ARP table. Now every request addressed to the Source IP will be sent to the Attacker's machine, even if this IP does not belong to him.
  • You can listen the ARP traffic if you run tcpdump -vv -i eth0 arp in another terminal inside Attacker's Docker Container before the attack. You will notice the Victim Request and the Attacker Reply.

