
In this project, the student needs to create an algorithms that sort a Stack, using a set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions. You can only use 1 extra Stack.

Primary LanguageC


This project consists of ordering a stack, using a limited set of operations, with as few instructions as possible. It is only allowed to use two stacks and at the end, stack A must be sorted, from top to bottom.


Run make to compile. Execute it with a list of integers, and it will return which instructions, based on the allowed stack operations, you need to sort it.
Run with ./push_swap 3 5 1, to sort a stack with 3, 5 and 1.
If you try to sort duplicated numbers, some data that isn't a numerical or a int overflow, it will return Error

You can also see the algorithm sorting with the push_swap_visualizer.
Execute it with python3 pyviz.py `ruby -e "puts (-50..50).to_a.shuffle.join(' ')"` to sort a stack of 100 numbers between -50 and 50. You can change the values to use with a bigger or smaller stack.

Run make bonus to compile the checker program. It will read the instructions delivered by push_swap and check if it sort the stack.
Run with ./push_swap 3 5 1 | ./checker 3 5 1. It should display OK if the instructions are correct. If the stack still unsorted, it will display KO.
If you give it duplicated numbers, some data that isn't a numerical or a int overflow, it will return Error. The arguments must be the same to push_swap and the checker


With 3 elements, it must sort with no more than 3 instructions. Since you have only 6 possible order with 3 elements, it just find out which one it is, and execute a predetermined list of instructions.

With 5 elements, it must sort with no more than 12 instructions. This program push the smallest int at Stack A to B, then the next smallest int, sort the remaining 3 elements, and push the 2 elements at B to A. 5 elements are sorted on average 7 instructions.


Here the fun begins. I test several algorithms before coding this one. The main problem is that algorithms aren't so easy to implement using stacks and these very specifics instructions. After studing some other projects, i developed an algorithm that will search for the least number of moves to sort an element, until the Stack A is sorted. I called it Lightning Sort(quite presumptuous) since it always search for the easiest way to act.

  • First, it pulls the elements to B, except for smallest and biggest elements, until Stack A is sorted.
  • Then, It goes through every element at B and calculates what would be its right index at Stack A to make it sorted, and whats its index at B.
  • Knowing where it is, and where to put it, it calculates how many moves i need to do to sort every element, then it choose the one with less moves, and pull back to Stack A at the right index.
  • It also check if it must rotate or reverse rotate both stack, and replaces with double rotate or double reverse_rotate making 2 instructions into one.
  • Repeat the step 2, 3 and 4 until Stack B is empty, then put the smallest element at Stack A at the top, and is sorted.

With this algorithm, it can sort 100 elements in average ~610 instructions, and 500 in average ~5450 instructions.


Push_Swap by paulahensi;
Push_Swap by laisarena;
Push_Swap by alchrist42(The Wheel Algorithm);
Wheel Algorithm Video;
VBranznik Explanation about Wheel Algorithm;
Push_Swap Guide for small sort;


Push_Swap Tester by laisarena;
Push_Swap Simulator by o-reo;