
The goal of this project is to implement a distributed password manager with dependability guarantee.

Primary LanguageJava


The goal of this project is to implement a distributed password manager with dependability guarantees.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Before testing if remote object calling is working, please open a terminal window and write the following :

(For linux) rmiregistry &

(For Windows) start rmiregistry

To Run:

  1. Go to the project folder on the terminal and run the following command (creates 1 client and 4 servers):

    • sh autoSetup.sh
  2. Insert KeyStore spassword "sec" when prompted on each Client.

Other commands:

  1. To generate N key pairs: cd keyStore sh keyGen.sh (N)

  2. To change the number of servers and clients in autoSetup.sh: Change in line 7 from "sh servers.sh 4" to "sh servers.sh (new num servers)" Change in line 12 from "sh clients.sh 1 4" to "sh clients.sh (new num clients) (new num servers)"

  3. To start manually N servers: cd dependablePasswordManager sh servers.sh (N)

  4. To start manually N clients: cd dependablePasswordManagerClient sh clients.sh (N) (num servers)

  5. To start a client with a specific client id mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="(client id) (num servers)"

  6. To run client tests: (located at: dependablePasswordManagerClient/src/test/java/pt/ulisboa/ist/sec/ClientTest.java) cd dependablePasswordManager mvn compile test

  7. To run server tests: (located at: dependablePasswordManagerClient/src/test/java/pt/ulisboa/ist/sec/ServerTest.java) cd dependablePasswordManagerClient mvn compile test

Note: Insert KeyStore password "sec" when prompted on each Server.