
FLAC Tagger using Deezer

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Work in Progress - Main functionality is done but lacks performance optimizations and bug fixes


If you have a local library of songs in FLAC format and want to update their tags using the deezer database tags (which i find to be pretty minimal and clutter free) then this program can do that.

Dzrs is a FLAC metadata editor, mainly focused on retrieving tags from deezer and applying them to songs, public api and undocumented deezer endpoints are used for retrieving tags, the undocumented endpoints contains lyrics which are not available through their public api.
Manually editing the tags also works but you are limited to only editing tags already present in the files, and cannot add new ones


Getting Started

You can download the platform based installer on the releases page.


The linux and mac versions have not been tested!
If you encounter any problems open an issue.
Dzrs is a personal project, future updates and mantainance might stop at any time.


This software is free to use. Refer to the LICENSE for more details.