
Repositório com projetos para aprendizado de Python

Primary LanguagePython

Learning Python

Algorithms for DNA Sequencing

Exercises and notes for the Coursera Coursera

Big Data em Saúde no Brasil

Exercises and notes for the Coursera Coursera.

Coin Determiner

Interview project. Built with Tekton and running on Google App Engine.


Simple scripts of basic and recreative criptography

Data Quest

Exercises and notes from the dataquest.io site.

Data Structures

Algorithms and data structures implemented in python

Django encurtador de URL

URL shortner, built to learn Python, Django and TDD.

Driblando o Dribble

Interview project. Built to interact with Dribble API. Django 1.7

Fluent Python

Exercises and notes of the Fluent Python book.

Projeto GAE Tekton

Site feito durante o curso de App Engine da Python Pro

Invent your own computer games with python

Games simples, para aprendizado e ensino de programação.

Learning Tkinter

Let's build a webserver

Performance Web Framework Tests


Python Patterns