Producer and Consumer Problem and Makefile

Aluno: Guilherme Silva Câmara
Turma: 3º B
Professor: Erico Souza Texeira
Tutor: Michael Bittencourt


You will find in this repository a C program that receives the amount of producers and consumers, a limit value and the buffer size. Each producer and consumer will be a different thread. Then, for each producer, a value will be add from the first index of the buffer to the last one. Then, for each consumer, a value will be consumed from the beginning to the last index of the buffer if the buffer is not empty.


First use the 'git clone' command to clone the repository into your computer.

$ git clone


To compile the C program, run the following command in terminal.

$ make


To run the C program, run the following command in terminal.

$ make run


To delete the binary program, run the following command in terminal.

$ make clean