- STM32F407
- external flash 512KB
- 8 out low-side for injectors - max. 7A
- 8 out high-side for igniters (COP) 5V or 12V
- 4 out low-side (HC1, HC2, IDLE, BOOST) - max. 7A
- 2 out low-side, low current (max. 0.7A) for RPM gauge and cooler relay
- build-in Wideband controller (SLC-FREE 2.0)
- stepper driver control
- inputs: TPS, IAT, CLT, O2, BARO, MAP
- CAN-Bus onboard
- 2x VR/Hall input
- baro sensor onboard
- 4-layer PCB
Pinout on my blog --> https://seasidecustoms.blogspot.com/p/scg-ecu-20.html
All nececery files to manufacture this board in JLCPCB available in this Git. Some part are missing in JLCPCB file, because not available in JLCPCB catalogue. Part's number/value U can find on schematic. Mosfet's, MAX9926 available in Mouser. Correct part placement in part_placement.png file. Cypress chip is nececery if U want use Wideband controller.
Creative Commons NonCommercial
Open file SCG-ECU_2.0_STM32F407_standalone_part_placement-EAGLE.brd in EAGLE to see part's name/value
Special thnx for Benas Brazdziunas for preparing firmware, base_map and INI files